Are You Ready for Retirement? These Deceptively Simple Questions Will Help!

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When we are asked about our retirement plans, most of us naturally start thinking about financial considerations. But, in reality, there are many other aspects of preparing for retirement.

Will we continue to work, at least part-time?

What will we do to stay social?

How will we find meaning in our lives as our priorities shift?

How we will stay healthy and fit?

How do we want to give back?

There are so many things to consider!

Come join us for a cup of tea (or coffee) and a chat. And, if you enjoy the show, please tell one friend about us today. Your support means so much to me!

Here are today's community questions:

What does retirement mean to you? Do you think that the definition of “retirement” is different for you than it was for your parents? Why? What priorities do you have for the next phase of your life?

Let's have a chat! Please join the conversation and tell one other woman about Sixty and Me today. The more the merrier!

Community Question - What areas do you need to prioritize in your life?

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I retired at 65...had begun to hate my job. I have not worked for a year and a half and am quite pleased with that so far. Most areas you mentioned I could rate an 8-10 score except for needing a bit more in my life intellectually. I am considering a few options, but need cataract surgery to bring them to fruition. Off to see the cataract specialist we shall see...


Hello Margaret, I love your necklace. It looks very Egyptian princess!
I retired a few years ago and something I noticed is that the friendships that one makes at work may take on a different form when one is retired. For example, we may have both male and female friends at work with whom we lunch, have coffee breaks, go on training assignments together, etc. But once retirement happens it may be that those friends are still working, or if not, they have friends who are also a big part of their lives. So those friendships may be really scaled back. I think it is vitally important to develop friendships/activities away from work, so that one is not left "bereft" when one retires. I think for those of us who work/ed shift work, or were in a very intense work culture we may have not cultivated friendships or activities outside that sphere. I think this can prove to be a mistake.


You are such a delight. Thank you for all the wonderful thoughts.


I need to work on "spiritual" and "financial" (btw...I am 64).


Hi i am not yet 60 i am 53 but still I enjoy listening you. Your topics are too good. I love your neck leases as well. Keep it up


I have just entered the final five years before retirement. To say I'm excited is an understatement! I'm going to the gym and learning to enjoy moments and people instead of things. I am ready to transition. I'll have adjustments to make to situations that I haven't considered, and that's ok. I am adaptable. Thank you for your work! Sixty and Me is so relevant to my life.


I will be 62 in 5 months. What to do about social security has been a heavy weight on my mind for the past 18 months. My ex of over 30 years past away this April so options with collecting on his record now exist. Im thinking part time at my current job will be a good transition, but going from overtime hours to 20 hours a week is scary. With the state of our economy, it is ALL scary. I need to just close my eyes and "jump". Lol


Definately need to work on social. Focus has always been my kids. I just didn’t have time for friends. Something I will work on before I officially retire.


Stopping by to say Happy New Year. Your videos make a huge impact in lots of peoples lives.


Happy New year Margaret Your just what we need online someone who truly down to earth


Thank you for this helpful advise. Wonder if you could do a segment about housing options for a retirement budget? Renting verses home ownership, or land lease verses freehold dwellings. Do you sell the family home if you own one? How to downsize and be happy. This is my dilemma and I'm sure others are struggling with this decision also.


Hi Margaret, thank you so much for the information on retirement I still have a ways to go I have been doing a lot of planning I am 53 .


Love your necklace I took early retirement but now I am working part-time and trying to kep fit


I love your beautiful necklace, thanks for the info on retirement. 🌨☃🌨


Hi Margaret, I am 59 1/2 yrs old. I'm single & have no retirement. I got 'laid off' in 2012 after a 20 year career in the medical field. I have had a few short term jobs over the last 5 yrs. I will be 60 this year, and from everything that I have read about 60 yr olds I am very concerned and trying not to worry, about finding employment. I have had several interviews that seemed to go well. Later to hear that they went with someone who was a 'better fit' for the position. I am trying so very hard not to become discouraged, but it is very difficult. I have 'lowered' my standards, in as far as going outside of my previous career in the medical field, and being open to anything. I need to work, I want to work. I enjoy the interaction with people. I want & need to work, well past the retirement age. What advise can the community give me? Thanks for any feedback. xoxo


Hi Margaret, where did you get your beautiful necklace ? Video thought provoking thank you Maureen NZ x
