Lesson 1j: Connect using DBeaver

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Facts and Dimensions provide 1000s of tables of publicly available stats and reference data, ready to query immediately.

If you get an error with your IP address, this means you need to send us that address so we can whitelist it.

If you get an error regarding Named Pipes or TCP and such, then you need to update your firewall to allow access to Azure. We are based in UK South data centre.

Update firewall as per:
Our Server is in UK South, so use the IP address for that Region if you want to restrict 1433 access.
c. You need to ensure TCP/IP is enabled in SQL Server Configuration Manager
d. Other useful URLs

(Apologies for the sound quality, redoing it was worse as it meant a lot of the steps were already done so I would have to uninstall dbeaver and reinstall to recreate the vid)
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