New Yorkers march to say 'there will be NO CHRISTMAS as usual while GENOCIDE occurs.'

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The People's Forum: “NO CHRISTMAS AS USUAL DURING A GENOCIDE. Around the world, people are continuing to shut it down for Palestine. This Christmas, occupation forces are sniping Christians sheltering in their besieged churches in Gaza and Christians in Bethlehem have declared that their celebrations are canceled. People everywhere must continue to declare that there can be no Christmas as usual during a genocide!”

The People's Forum and other organizations held a rally and march in support of Gaza and all of Palestine in Manahatta, Lenapehoking (Manhattan, New York City), on Saturday, December 23, 2023. The rally was on 59 Street and 5th Ave. People marched on 5th Ave, passed in front of the Trump Tower, St. Patrick's Cathedral, Rockefeller Center, Bryant Park, Empire State Building, Flatiron Building, etc.. Muslims prayed in Union Square. The marched ended at Juan Pablo Duarte Square on Ave. Of Americas and Canal St.

"While people are shopping ahead of the Christmas holidays, bombs are STILL dropping on Gaza. Activists took to the streets to say there will be NO Xmas as usual while genocide occurs. Specifically 5th Ave, shops decked out in holiday decorations as transactions grease the capitalist machine. As working people, taxes from our hard-earned dollars go to fund Israel’s genocide; our representatives don’t just stand-by complicit, they support Israel fully. People of conscience–the people of the world–say no more!

We demand an immediate ceasefire. We demand an end to U.S. aid and complicity to Israel and the Zionist project. And we demand an end to the brutal occupation! And we’ll be disrupting business as usual until those demands are met."_The People's Forum

December 25, 2023.
“All out on Christmas for Gaza.
This Christmas, as we remember Bethlehem, the birthplace of Christianity, celebrations are overshadowed by the ongoing genocide in Gaza. This year, Jerusalem’s 13 official churches and the Bethlehem Municipality have suspended Christmas festivities.”_Within Our Lifetime

December 24, 2023: 79 DAYS since Israel started bombing Gaza (Israel bombed Gaza before October 7, 2023, as well). The 75 YEARS of OCCUPATION of Palestine MUST END NOW!

On December 12, the 193-member United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) voted overwhelmingly in favor of a resolution calling for a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza. The resolution passed with 153 countries voting in favor, 23 abstaining and 10 countries voting against, including Israel and the USA. The resolution was non-binding.

Before New York City, there was Lenapehoking, the ancestral land of the Lenape people. Forcibly displaced by White European invaders, their land was stolen to create settler states.

Lenapehoking is widely translated as 'homelands of the Lenape'. The territory of the Lenape people before White Europeans invaders arrived was known to them as Lenapehoking, and it covered roughly the area between New York City and Philadelphia, including all of New Jersey, eastern Pennsylvania and part of the state of Delaware.

The Lenape, New York City and Manhattan’s original inhabitants, called
the island Manahatta, which means “hilly island.” White European invaders stole Manahatta and all of New York City from the Lenape people. New Yorkers live on stolen land. LAND BACK NOW!


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