I Went AFK with the #1 Minion... | Hypixel Skyblock

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It is ranked higher than slime
In this video, I'll show you just how profitable the best minion in Hypixel Skyblock can be. Get ready for some totally unexpected results!
This minion is widely known as the best hypixel skyblock minion in the community
So how much money did i make AFK in hypixel skyblock
In simple words, I Went AFK with the #1 Minion...

▶ Subscribe for more hypixel skyblock videos

▶ Content I enjoyed making
1. Some stories from my party finder runs
2. How to make money from every event

Why are you reading thisthis Minecraft YouTube video was made on Hypixel. Hypixel is a server with lots of games, such as Bedwars, Skywars, and Minecraft's biggest MMORPG Hypixel Skyblock. Hypixel has has a lot of notable players, such as Dream, Technoblade, and Tommyinnit. Hypixel Skyblock is Hypixel's most popular game. Some of the popular items are the Hyperion, Necron armor, Storm armor, overflux, plasmaflux, the 50mMidas sword, the Aspect of the end, the Aspect of the dragons, the valkyrie, and many more. Some of the bad things on Skyblock are Duping, irl trading, and scamming. I hope you enjoyed these words which are all relevant to the video! Also, a new farming island was added which has the Golden Ball item, which no one owns and is one out of one (1/1). Rat pet is cool. Swavy, Timedeo, Fairy Soul Guide, Money Making Method, and other things are all part of the server, along with Refraction. Dungeons necron floor 7. Master mode is a thing as well. They recently nerfed the strength stat, making a lot of dungeons classes a lot worse such as Berserker and Archer. Mage, Healer, and Tank should be fine. The hypixel admins have completely removed sword swapping and killed the bonemerangs. The giants sword is also dead now. The Astrea is still trash. This is a Hypixel Skyblock Tutorial, or a Hypixel Skyblock Dungeons Guide. please fix negative strength because of the Soul Eater enchant, and buff archer. nerfmage tho. I voided the Hyperion, so sad. I love Technoblade and Dream and Tommyinnit and 56ms (Swavy) and Thirtyvirus, not just because their names get views as meta tags. This video is not a Dungeons Guide, Money Making Method Guide, Hypixel Skyblock Guide, or anything of the sort. Recently, Hypixel released the SMPS, similar to the Dream SMP with members like Skeppy and Sapnap. This is long lol. I recently hit 500 subs. Then 600 the next day. Then 700 the next day. What the freak! I AM AT 800 NOW GG! Also Hypixel Admins released an enderman slayer boss quest thing, and it is pretty difficult to kill which is why you would need an enderman slayer guide or tips and tricks on how to beat the new enderman slayer. The Juju bow is really good. I also like the warden helmet and Necron Armor. I recently got SCAMMED!!! They took my Strong Dragon Chestplate, I am in tears. At least they didn't take storm armor or superior armor. The crown of greed is bad. I crashed the NEW GAME MASTER RANK and got BANNED ON HYPIXEL! The anticheat Watchdog is broken. RATS. Floor. Catacombs. Badlion is not very good. I played dungeons not using the new Terminator bow, which is very op. Thirtyvirus does not like the god potion, he says it is not a good item. Personally, I am impartial. Recombobulators are cool though! Rend VS Soul Eater ultimate enchantments, which is better! I think Legion and Chimera are cool as well! Hypixel is currently down! Large DDOS attacks forced the server to close to resolve the issues. This video is NOT an auction flipping tutorial or Bazaar Flipping tutorial. It is not a money making method video either. The mini wither can bother some people if used in a certain way. Scammers are desperate in Hypixel Skyblock. The MELON HELMET is the NEW BEST HELMET IN HYPIXEL SKYBLOCK! SUB TO QUAGLET! idk what to add sorry. DREAM SMP TWITTER DREAM STANS MCYT MCTWT LOL! Undertaker01 is my favorite youtuber. I found out how to dye ANY armor in Hypixel Skyblock. This is kind of an Armor Dying tutorial. (not) REAL!!! I became egrill (girl). Foraging is a bad skill. Fishing too. #hypixel #hypixelskyblock #dungeons
Рекомендации по теме

my next video : i left my pc afk for 5 years {shocking results}


You're really interesting when you talk outside the point. It's the reason I watch your videos for


Dude i just found out ur channel today and i watched 3 videos and i really really liked it😂😂. Thanks for good content!!


i use 30 t11 slime minions and afk them. Makes me around 1.5m an hr. 36m a day


yep, slime minions don't do much by themselves, they need optimization, but they don't require reputation, and i choose barb for some reason 💀

but it's fine, i made around 1.5m / day (15 minions, using enchanted hopper)


i love your videos! they're so funny lmfao


lol OOF! now you know to bug check minions before next time. afk slime minion setups got slightly nerfed in the last 2 days but non AFK setups were not affected. I'm making about 4m per day with 23 slime minions. I also have 6 snow minions active as either a back up or carriers for other snow minions to get to t12 and a cobble minion (carrying other cobble minions to t12)


welcome back we also have preboard2 :C


iv been using mycelium minions for a few months but i get about 20m a day with 29 mycelium minions


Luckily mycelium minions have been fixed. So my 30 t12 mycelium minions actually make money now


meanwhile me: laughs at 7M/day without even afk-ing with slime minions


Thumbnail: t11 myc
Reality: t5 myc

Clickbait D:


if you give me 8 bill, ill tell a way to fix it. (worth it investment, you should make the money back in the next couple of decades)


I made about 100 million from snow minion’s cuz I lost my minecraft acount for 6 months.


i still make a lott from slime minoins i dont think theyre that bad (granted i do have a daed and 25+ minion slots) but yea


i’m tryna get 100m/day afk setup done, almost there 😅


How did u find the calculator, please give link


can you tell from which country you are you really sound in indian accent ?


This video is like naruto
cool content but a lot of filler


I make like 5 mil a day with mycelium t2
