What Is the Age Limit for IVF? | AssistedFertility.com

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Is there any age limit for people to have children through IVF and assisted reproduction (egg donation and surrogacy)? Kathy Benardo from the Northeast Assisted Fertility group explains that the industry has guidelines that are based on their perception of public perception, and discusses a recent survey. No matter what your age, you will be bale to find a clinic somewhere that will work with you.

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Great outline of things. Does ASRM have a committee opinion pertaining to total number of children per woman (from singleton pregnancies)?


I honestly don’t feel there should be an age limit be placed on having a baby.


I feel that it should be a woman choice so many grandparents are taking care of grandchildren these days it is no different in having your own kids if a woman is able to do it I think she should have the freedom to do it.


I’m 35 years old and I would like to know more about how could I get pregnant again since I had my tubes tied 6 years ago


I went through ivf and 5 of my eggs were good but the end nothing happened. Am 40 years old. What can I do


It should be based on the health of the mother on an individual basis.


But doctor keeps telling me very less chance of conceiving 😞 I am 43 and I don’t have any problem so for with all the tests he did. I know he will be happy if I buy donor egg but I want to try my own first. All the time I keep hearing from him that I have less that 10% chance of having baby 😞


My doctor keeps telling most of my eggs will be abnormal due to my age 😒 he scares me so much but I am not giving damn until I go through embryo testing.


If I do IVF then I will have baby's
