Tens of thousands of dollars in cash allegedly stolen from salon owner's car

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The owner of an Oakland salon is nervous and terrified after the theft of tens of thousands of dollars in cash. Part of the incident is captured on surveillance video. The victim said she was going to make a deposit in the bank but went for coffee first. The owner said her salon is a cash-based business.

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Someone who had inside knowledge and was aware of a very short timeline.
Nobody gets that lucky..


Now you just labeled yourself a target for an audit from the IRS.


I think she is lying and wants to collect insurance, which hopefully will look at the details and deny her claim. I'm not sure what to make of "I thought to take the backpack out of the car with me, I honestly did, but it was That is some serious 3rd Grade accountability. Cash only business in Oakland, its a front people.


Someone was watching you or knew you had the money on you. They went straight to your car!! The question is how did they know? This isn't random. Someone close to you knew you had the cash. Why would you not go to the bank first also why were you alone?


I'm calling BS. Who let that much cash stack up and not just go straight to bank after 5k. Hell when I worked at Starbucks we deposit our cash every day. Once in the morning and afternoon.


Who in their right mind would leave $40k in a car, parked in Oakland? You can drive the streets and see nothing but broken glass from vehicles that have been broken into. This story is BS! She could’ve driven to the drive thru Starbucks on Telegraph. Young and dumb!


How many hairstyles did she create in one day 400?? Who has $40k in one day, in a hair salon? This isn't Beverly Hills. Sorry, but something doesn't seem right! And you got coffee first? Cmon!!


White Jaguar? Corner? Backseat? Break in? Backpack? Am I blind? Should I not admit how many times I watched the video and don’t see anything described?


Guess a Starbucks coffee is more important than going to the bank to deposit 40k 🤷🏻‍♂️


I lived in Oakland for a few decades and learned the hard way not to leave ANYTHING of value in a car. You don't even put things in the trunk where you park, that is done beforehand. As likely as this was an inside job, it could have also been the usual thieves that sit and wait in high traffic areas. I've caught a few in parking lots, especially the nicer hoods like this one in Montclair.


How convenient how she said the same thing happend to a man 3yrs ago about a laptop.. this sounds so suspect and either planned or she's full of $hit


backpack also contained original sketches of the mona lisa, hand drawn by leonardo de vinci and two picassos.


I did retail in California a billion years ago, and I see these videos of corner liquor stores, windows all covered up, till STUFFED with "kash" and just shake my head. Follow best practices: clean out your retail till every hour like 7/11 does (yeh, I know they STILL get robbed) and if you have a task, get it done as a first priority, THEN go to get your coffee. No matter where you are. Or install a cash drop safe inside your SUV, next to the handgun case, locked.


The bank is literally 30 steps or less from Ms. Franklin’s salon. She is either the goofiest person in Oakland or it was an inside job.


I hate to victim blame, but leave NOTHING in your car you don’t want to lose, especially in any metro area in California. This news report also just put a bullseye on the back of every salon owner.


All I see is a man get out of his car locks his car because you can see his light on his car turn on and off walks into a Starbucks and no man got out of any back seat where's the back seat I see a man get out of the driver's seat


Too many people in her inner circle know/knew her $ situation. Start with family and friends 1st!


common sense says if your carrying cash go straight to the bank no detours


Now we know how those people who own a single salon are so rich. That 40K all in cash is your money, in the rest of the world of commerce, about 17 of the 40 would be the IRS’ money.


i was boutta roast her but yall right def a set up
