The problem with So Called Grafted in Gentiles. Repentance include Repairing the Breach

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Thank you for taking the time to put this video together for us, gentiles and for all of your other videos. My husband and I have been learning so much as we have been seeking Truth and there are truly no words that we can say to express how deeply sorry we are for our people's countless sins against you, the true Hebrew Israelites.

We wish we had money, property, or something of value to give to try to begin to pay for the sins committed against Yah's people. The talent that the true Hebrew Israelites have is breath taking: from music, to athletics, from business to speaking Yah's word, from your beautiful children to your elders, etc. the list goes on and on.

May Yah bless your people and your messages wake up the masses to the Truth and may true repentance take place! We will be praying for you all, in Yahusha's name!



Shalom. I live in Australia so I am still learning Israelite History and don't quite understand the racism in America as it's a different world there and I'm just not wired that way. Israelites like you I will serve with joy and love. You are the chosen people, I'll bless the Israelites till I have no Breath in me. The Bible is your Book and we are privileged as non-Israelites to learn your Book and your ways. Another way to Honor the Israelites is to obey the law. Glory to your Kingdom. Praise to TMH. Shalom


I just stumbled upon your YouTube page and I don't believe in coincidences. I am a gentile that has been awakened in the last few months. I've been reading the true word and studying. I understand more now than ever. I am not a rich man and wish I could give back for the ridiculousness of my fathers. The one thing I am doing is sharing the truth with everyone I have a religious discussion with. My family members and others think I've lost it but I know it's the truth. I will continue to spread the message and ask for forgiveness for what has been done to the people of the most high.


Shalom, wow ever since watching Watchman Videos, the Bible has become reality. I used to see the Bible very much irrelevant to Africans as a whole because things in my life did not make sense according to the Bible, all the pain, suffering etc that we experiencing did not make sense what so ever because of the false image of Yahshua presented to us and with the thought that I was a gentile. It did not make sense at all and I had to put a pause to the Bible and Christians around me. But the minute I read Deuteronomy 28 and Revelation 2:9 3:8-9 as I saw from Watchman Videos, I could not stop researching who we really are, from the Bible and World history facts. I am so happy and sad at the same time as Israel of Yah. it is very hard to swallow even with my African friends around me....we continue to learn!
This is Tumelo, all the Way from South Africa. Shalom


Isaiah 10:20- In that day the remnant of Israel and the survivors of the house of Jacob will no more lean on them who struck them, but will lean on the Lord, the Holy one of Israel." The days are coming, when we will never again lean on them! No more asking for justice, no more asking for sympathy, no more asking them for an education, jobs, equal housing and fair policing. The days are coming, when we will lean on HIM and only HIM! PRAISE HIM!!!


Keep preaching the truth. I remember when I found out that the so called african american where Yah's chosen people and That Yahushua was of dark complexion, everything made more sense. And I mean EVERYTHING. And what an honor indeed! Thank goodness I've always loved the Hebrews! Always knew you were special! Hebrews sing dance act etc Hebrews always do it better! I love your videos and always share> Blesss Yahuah and bless you too!


I love you guys and your teaching. I praise YAH for y'all. See you Saturday. Shalom!!!


Many many of the gentiles has to much pride to be nice to YAH, s people. When the day of judgment there will be so much sorrow and pain, and to late for many of them. ( Shalom family ) a great video and must share.


The only reparation I want is payback 7 fold, including he who leads into slavery shall go into slavery, this is the patience of the Saints.


Not all of us are asking for proof! and I went through a phase as I learned the truth.I guess when Jacob, learns who he/she is their consumed with great feelings of joy knowing their importance to TMH, and their greatness and at the same time they are faced with negative emotions, mostly, aimed at nations who captured and enslaved them.Descendants of course! Your God is my creator, and I feel like I don't know him.Atleast, for now I get to see and speak to his chosen.The so-called blacks that we'd like think are beneath us, and something always keeps telling us or showing us how great they can be and truly are.


My brother and sister I love you for speaking the truth and giving us the real truth. Thanks for the true Word


Blessings and love to your family for having the courage to tell the truth.


they owe a blood dept. for this land and they will pay


The strongest delusion is the Christian church. They are looking for Cesare Borgia to come back and save them.
John 5:43
“I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.”


Shalom brother and sister Yahu
First, All Praises to our Elohim YAH. Do not apologize for knowing who we are and telling the Truth.


Love the videos and the real messages. You both are a blessing to those of us seeking knowledge and edification in this walk of truth.


I think you are both wonderful and Ii would love to spend time with you. So sorry that I live in UK and can't see you. I love your teachings and you are right in all you say. I am drafted in to YAHUSHA I came out out of the church system.I have watched most of your videos, I love them for you speak the truth. Bless you both Valerie


I am a Gentile and am very sorry for what has happen'd to your people. I am also not very wealthy but whatever I can do to help, consider it done. I ask you what you need or want in return for my peoples inconsiderate ways in the past and in the present? Please let me know so I help in the ways I can.


I'm so sorry! I don't have a house or land or anything to give back. I live pay check to pay check! What can I can I give back? I want to spend the rest of my days doing something...anything to help! I hope you see this comment...I need guidance.. I'm so ashamed of my people! my heart is totally broken...😖


I enjoy these lectures. And you both talking very intelligently, with fear and meekness in righteousness. Not harsh. Its the word of God that is sharper than any two edged sword. Amen and Amen. Enjoy the lessons.
