5 Easy Rakhi Ideas Using Thread | How To Make Rakhi At Home | Creation&you

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5 Easy Rakhi Ideas Using Thread | How To Make Rakhi At Home | Creation&you

How to make Rakhi,How to make Rakhi At Home,Diy rakhi,Rakhi making,Thread rakhi,Easy Rakhi Ideas,Easy Rakhi design,Diy rakhi ideas,Rakhi using embroidery thread
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All are amazing bro...
U know what I never buy rakhi i always made them becoz i wanna to show my love to my brothers ❤


I have a really cute video of when I taught my niece how to make that last bracelet. I showed her how to make a four with the strings and then she took off! She’s several years older now and I’m hoping to show her more of my craft with her during our next visit but that first time teaching her I will always cherish.


Friendship bracelets are made with embroidery thread because you are supposed to wear them until they fall off. Is this a desirable characteristic for rakhi as well?
