Red hat Enterprise Linux 8 Tutorial - How to Create local DVD YUM Repository - Setup Yum on RHEL 8

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set up yum repository for locally-mounted DVD on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8

In this video we are going to see how to create local DVD yum repository using the available red hat enterprise linux 8 DVD iso file.
First step is we need to mount the DVD permanently in /media/mount_directory_name.
and add the entries like this.

[LocalRepo] = Repository ID
name = Name of the repository
baseurl = Location of DVD Mount
Enabled = Enable repository
gpgcheck = Enable secure installation
gpgkey = Location of the key

mkdir /media/mount_directory_name
blkid -- copy uuid
edit /etc/fstab and add below line
UUID=XXXX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX /media/mount_directory_name iso9660 defaults 0 0
mount -a
systemctl daemon-reload

name=DVD - BaseOS

name=DVD - AppStream

execute below commands

mount -a
systemctl daemon-reload

After that save the .repo file and execute the below commands to check DVD yum repository is available or not.
yum clean all -- will clear the cache.
yum repolist enabled ---lists the repositories available after clearing cache.
yum list --- will list down the packages or rpms available in the DVD.
yum update --- will update the packages.
yum install httpd --- To test I will be installing httpd server using this command.

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