How to Overcome Stage Fright | Public Speaking

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So how do you overcome stage fright? Well for starters you don't want to follow the typical advice. A lot of advice is imagine your audience naked or in their underwear. Well depending on our audience that's either too exciting or too disgusting. That's horrible advice. People come to me and ask this question all of the time. T.J. how do I get over my stage fright? And they expect me to say meditate and visualize a standing ovation or drink green tea or take beta blockers. Believe it or not that's all useless advice.

Here's something you're not gonna want to hear. If you have stage fright chances are it's because you fear legitimately that you're gonna be awful, that you're gonna be boring. Because guess what? Most speeches are boring so if you fright maybe there's a good reason for it. But the answer is not to mask your feelings or to try to wall paper over a problem. The solution is to actually have a great speech and to be interesting and engaging and memorable.

Part of what's giving you this fright is the fear of the unknown. You don't really know how you're going to come across to the audience, therefore, you deduce correctly there's a chance you could bomb, that you could be awful, that you could bore them. Well that's a legitimate reason to be nervous, to have fright. Here is the solution and I guarantee you it will work.

You need to practice your presentation, your speech on video and get to the point where you can look at it. Point to it and say, wow, that person is fantastic. And you're pointing to a video of yourself. Now you may have to practice once, twice and maybe 20 times. It doesn't matter. If you can look at a video of yourself and you think wow, that person's boring. Guess what? You're probably right. You probably are boring.

The solution isn't to just feel better about it or do a shot of alcohol. The solution is to change your speech and actually make it interesting. So if you want to get over stage fright you need a role model of yourself being successful and you can do it with video. Keep practicing on video until you like your speech. If you do that your stage fright will disappear.

I get stage freight because, I feel like I am going to mess up or make a fool of myself, anyone else ?


From a college speech teacher for more than 15 years: "Knowledge is confidence." The more you know about your subject, and the more you rehearse, the more confident you'll be...the less 'nervous' you'll be. If you flub a line or two, don't worry: The knowledge of your subject matter will carry you through. But remember, don't wing it. Rhearse, rehearse, rehearse!"


Chew gum before hand if you feel nervous. Evolutionarily speaking, our brains assume that if we are eating then we aren’t in any immediate danger, so the fight or flight response is weakened.


I have to speak in front of my class tomorrow and I am so scared


I mean most of the time its not about being afraid of boring the crowd its about all the alarm system goes off before you stand up no matter how much you have prepared and risking blackout. Thats real stage fright. You are talking about a very mild version of stage fright thus a very light solution in my opinion


As someone who has dealt with a lot of panic attacks, the best way to deal with stage fright is to embrace it. Stage fright is just your anxiety buddy jumping up and down because it’s nervous. Just accept it and reassure it, and don’t try to push it away.


There is a speech contest tomorrow; I'm one of the speakers and I have stage fright because there will be visitors in my classroom. 🙂 Wish me luck 🙂🙂


Our fear we are scared what everyone else thinks of us


Study what you know! When you start talking it all goes away! Please trust me, I use to hate this in college. Every time I would get ready for a presentation my heart would be pumping, yet when it became my time to talk everything flowed. Trust yourself and know your research :) you'll be fine


I get stage fright because I fear making mistakes and also I fill my audience already knows my weaknesses from other engagements

And when I practice it becomes worse


He basically just said practice until YOU feel comfortable. Sounds like great advice to me!


I'm in 5th grade and I have to do a play in front of around 500 people, at my school I'm a little scared but I think I got this I have A LOT of pressure because I have to play an instrument sing, memorize songs, AND do a play. Lot of pressure for a kid... But I think I got this 👍🏽👌🏽


I need to get over it soon cuz Im signing for a musical in my school, plus if I want to be a musician I can't be scared


Idk why but when i was younger i used to love speaking in public. And when i got older i cant even stand there


As a guitarist, I have a weird form of this--I get shaky everywhere but my hands and it goes away after about two or three songs but it's just annoying.


I'm really a shy person, my heart is always pounding so hard whenever i speak in front of many people, and it will get worse because next week, we have a sell and tell in our economics class IN FRONT OF THE CLASS!!! And I get so nervous of just thinking about i😥😢


im going to be auditioning for a talent show on my school and im just trying to get ready by watching these videos


This is actually really great advice but just like this speech I had to write, I procrastinated to the last minute and now don’t have enough time to do this on video 😑. Cheers 🍻


I'm taking a public speaking class and theater class this quarter lol so much performance type homework. I'm really scared.


He had something different to say from everyone else.
