Freezer Meal - Breakfast Sandwiches

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These are a great option to have around for busy mornings! No need to stop at a fast-food place, you've got your own convenience food right in your freezer! Give these sandwiches a quick spin in the microwave (remove the foil first), and you're good to go with a hot, hearty breakfast sandwich! And you don't even have to wear a red wig, yellow jumpsuit or big red shoes... ;)
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I make something similar to take with me on the boat I work on. I wrap mine in baking paper so I can microwave it and then pop it in the sandwich press while it's still in the paper and it comes out fresh and delicious and toasted on the outside. I work week on/week off so I make half a dozen on my days off to put in the freezer. A great meal in my circumstances, especially to kick off the day.


Do these heat up well in an air fryer?
