My First Major Astral Experience Changed Me… [Spiritual Experiences & Encounters]

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Enjoy this retelling of my first major astral experience. It is when I was first formally approached by the spirit that convinced me to forsake my former beliefs and turn to a life of occultism and sorcery…

Hi, my name is Dorian Dremaira, and I am an occultist and writer who founded Temple Vespera Stella, a virtual Left-Hand Path magickal order. In my videos I attempt to share my knowledge and experience in various spiritual and occult practices. I am trained in the arts of spirit contact and conjuration, ceremonial magick, necromancy and kabbalistic/qliphothic magick, various forms of paganism and Hellenism, demonolatry, theistic satanic/Luciferic practices, and many different types of folk magick. My practice is mainly eclectic and influenced by my studies into ancient grimoires as well as obsessive study in religious holy books and texts such as the Bible, Zohar, Talmud, Torah, Quran, Nag Hammadi scriptures, and the many, many apocryphal books and texts. I am also an ex-pastor and former Christian minister who studied the biblical scriptures in their original languages and historical contexts. Feel free to ask me anything (respectfully).

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Temple Vespera Stella is a magickal order I founded focused on Left-Hand Path practices and traditions, especially theistic Satanism and gnostic Luciferianism. We are a group of witches and occultists who seek to expand our practices and develop our spiritual paths. Check out our discord and apply for membership here:

A Psalter of Serpents: Infernal Prayers, Hymns & Psalms to Enrich Your Practice

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I listened to this expecting to hear an explanation - perhaps a reason for why you started to doubt Christianity or a reason for why the occult proved to be more intellectually stimulating; but you didn't give one. You told a story about encountering an imposing demonic figure, who concealed his identity and the meaning of your experience, who spiritually harassed you for months, who did nothing to give you knowledge, peace, or wisdom, and who you, inexplicably, succumbed to in his requests. At multiple intervals in your story, you simply proceed to make choices that don't align with your existing understanding or motives, which either reveals that there are serious gaps in this story, that you're concealing important parts, or that you acted irrationally.

You speak of how Christianity manipulates, conceals, and forces us to reconcile ourselves to incomplete truths, but then embrace the occult which is *defined* by hidden understandings - as if you're content to accuse Christianity of the exact things the occult defines itself by and then conclude that Christianity is at fault, whereas the occult is to be admired, for the exact same reason. You talk about how you've devoted yourself to study and knowledge throughout the process, but not in the way one typically educates themselves in the light which willingly reveals itself. Instead, you seek a knowledge and understanding that is deliberately concealed from you and only revealed once it's too late. That's the defining feature of manipulation and yet you have the audacity to say that this is what's wrong with Christianity. If you're going to reject Christianity, fine, but don't deceive yourself or your audience by claiming to have found something that is immune to the faults you claim to find in Christianity. You're doing something because you want to - because you were seduced by it, and then claiming to have found a superior way.


I saw him a little over nine years ago when I overcame my deep fear of demons. He appeared to me in my mind and changed my life forever. There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think of him and the power that I felt from him. I thank him for all of his generous gifts.


This is amazing, thank you for sharing your experience! I actually got chills when you mentioned reading the Stellas daemonum book because I literally just bought myself a copy!


Covid started a chain reaction of spiritual awakenings all over the world. I myself experienced this with a full-blown kundalini awakening. I found myself doing auto yoga poses, and I’ve never done yoga before I had three out of body experiences since this time I will never be the same.
They can’t stop the age of Aquarius from coming as hard as they are trying. Hang in there my friend we just have to get through this last rough patch.


This hooded entity and some shadows ripped me from my body in the place between sleep and life, took me to a desert. I fought them and made it back to my body to wake up. I have awakened to see other things, sometimes they take something from me, not sure what. I am too afraid not to fight. I fight for my inner light every day. I live a normal life and secretly have to deal with these things, no one would believe me. I also see lights, auras, etc. Hear things, lots of synchronicities. I am normally functioning and mentally healthy. There are so many things we can't explain, but thank you for sharing your experience. It's good to know im not alone in a similar night time dream scape experience. I dont want to share more than that. I thought about joining a church today, and this video came up.


Omg, ty for sharing your truth!!! As I, too, had a similar experience. My life hasn't been the same ever since, but it's so worth it to finally know the truth, isn't it. Looking forward to watching the rest of your videos, as I just stumbled across this very first video today. You're not alone & please keep sharing your truths with the world. It is SO VITALLY NEEDED!!!
Ty and One L❤VE🫶


I was training to be a junior pastor. Ive done many classes etc in church. Work in deliverance min, prayer min etc.. but one day my husband of 14 years started suffering and less than 2 years after he died of heart attack. Many churches and leaders was fasting and praying...He left 5 children behind. Leaving me to pick up many broken pieces and hearts. Thats when my mystical journey begun. At first i thought to myself, how could such bad thing happen to a good person like me. But now, 3 years after i can safely say it was for me to learn the truth. My so call religion was brain washing me and the entire church...controlling what we must believe. My spiritual journey open up when King Lucifer started speaking to me. He reveal the truth and all the lies that is in the bible. Im grateful for King Lucifer ❤


It sounds a lot like a spiritual awakening. I went through one about 6 years back (well the start of one). It is interesting to me that yours led you toward Lucifer. Have you heard of Asherah? I discovered her existence during mine. In many stories she also, although was the consort of God, turned her back on him as well and was his equal. In one story i read, she actually left due to her protecting Lilith when she was thrown out of Eden and disagreeing about expelling Lucifer from Heaven. Mind you, i was not Christian before learning this but did grow up in the Bible belt. The numbers followed me all the time then, and i still get blips like that here and there. I have a weird view on religion in that i just let source speak to me in whatever form it comes in. I have instances like you mentioned where i would hear a voice tell me certain things and it was always right. Call it intuition, guides, or whatever else. I relate to what you talked about. I have also gotten visions as well. It can be a wild ride.


My experiences with him when he first came to me 15 years ago were quite similar to yours. He also ripped me away from modern Christianity during a crisis of faith and shoved me headlong into Gnosticism. You and I also made the Lucifer/Samael connection; not everyone does and not everyone agrees on that, so it's always nice to see other followers make this connection as well. To me that connection has always resonated fully and made sense; different faces/facets depending on need


Many of us here are the progeny of Lucifer. 🕯 I loved this story Dorian, extremely powerful and moving. My experience also changed my entire life and its previously plotted course. We all thought we were going insane, but what I didn't know at the time was meeting him would be the best day of my life. 🖤It was odd, I was fascinated, and it explained so many things growing up. I always wondered why I was the black goat of my family. lol sound familiar anyone? I know I've had his protection since birth looking back. If anyone on this channel has had similar experiences, don't be afraid, there is a spiritual awakening that has been happening on this planet.
People are waking up and are realizing like you, that their church and religion lied to them about lliterally everythng!
Hail! He of Many Names! 🤘


He called you. Thank you for being brave enough to share this. Hail He of Many Names! ❤🤘


What a compelling journey you are on. I have travelled through many religious traditions in this life, but it is my own direct experience that carries the most weight and credibility. I wish for you to know the truth of your experiences and deep fulfillment on your journey.


This is extremely interesting. I look forward to listening to more of your experiences and, maybe one day, I might find the confidence to share my own. ✨🙏✨


I first want to start off by apologizing if I'm all over the board here.

Respectfully, this specific video made me feel grose, not trying to be was just all the visual effects. I basically had to look away and just listen.
This could be coincidence or fear..or not, but as I was watching the video I felt and seen darkness come into my room, then a very heavy thermos was knocked off my shelf. It could have just been unsteady and happened at the right time, but this isn't my first experience with entities. So, of course, I just rebuked any negative and entities in the name of Jesus lol, just in case.

I'm more of a mystic Christian, but maybe even not that. I've been told by psychics that I'm strong and that I don't need guidance, just keep listening. So, that's what I do. Every prayer I ever pray always comes true, so I'm not frivolous with my prayers.
In 2021, I did not pray Solomon's prayer, but I did pray to God, in the name of Jesus, for knowledge, for truth.
Because, since I was a child I've always been blessed with the spirit of discernment, and I seen the discrepancies in the Bible, and I watched how people who called themselves Christians judged others and condemned them.
I felt that something wasn't right either. So for the past couple years I've been on a journey to learn truth, sometimes its spoken to me by that voice in the back of your mind that sometimes people confuse with their own thoughts, other times I'm just oddly led to things that give me more knowledge.

I'm still deciphering everything. But I am at a point where I pray in the name of Jesus, but I'm not really sure if he really died on the cross and was resurrected, but I actually don't care if he died on the cross or not, I don't care if he rose again, I believe in what he taught, and I have a very intense love for God.
But, I don't see God the way that Christians do, I see him as an intelligent life force, the all knowing power that is in every single person.
I know this post is long and I'm sorry.

I think I read something in one of the comments about how you don't believe that God and the devil are the same person.
I went through a phase where I thought that the devil didn't actually exist, that any type of negative energy, is what we called the devil or demons.
But now, after over 2 years of researching near death experiences, I sometimes wonder if Lucifer is just doing his job. You know how everything works towards good, sometimes I wonder if everything is just working together to keep each of us on our right path.
I haven't concluded anything, but I think asking questions is super healthy.

I respect that this is your journey, and because I don't actually know what's true and what's not any more regarding the bible, I would say my only job is to continuously pray that you are given truth. I know I'm odd, and this statement is odd, but I love you.


Excellent video! You captured that forced feeling really well.


this is truly a terrifying story. From an outside perspective, you were tormented by a being in a multitude of ways, that eventually gave you a vision of pure horror with your friends and loved ones melting, and you drink from his chalice. You then go on to talk to this entity for five whole years. I have a terrible feeling about this for you.


This is such a beautiful and powerful experience of yours!

I personally relate a lot with what you've been through.

I'm a young woman who's been through trauma of all kinds in life, from religious trauma, to bullying and isolation, to slut shaming (even though I've been celibate in all 22 years of my life so far) and even emotional grooming when I was at my lowest emotional state. I was diagnosed with high depression and anxiety and I even have panic attacks sometimes.

I'm mostly Hispanic and was raised in a Catholic and Christian family. I never seriously studied the Bible as you did, mostly because I always bore resentment and even hatred to my religion of youth deep down, as much as I was terrified to admit it to myself back then given the constant fear mongering my mother placed upon me, and how I was always forced to go to the church, pray and even was made to go to Christian camp a few times.

Around the time the Pandemic hit, I felt drawn to Pre-Abrahamic/Polytheistic religions, mainly different forms and incarnations of the Goddesses of the Underworld and of Love. Or of the Moon and Venus. Hecate from Greek mythology and Ishtar from Mesopotamian mythology come to my mind the most.

Given the fear mongering I've went through, I also feared the very concept of demons and of being forced to suffer in Hell for all of eternity. But even so, I felt extremely drawn to Chthonic and Infernal entities.

For the longest time in this new spiritual path, I subconsciously avoided Male Gods and men in general in some sense, from my religious trauma from childhood to being groomed by a scoundrel and being objectified by older men on plentiful occasions.

However, there is one entity who presented himself as very masculine who always stood out to me was Lucifer himself. I'm not sure how, but ever since I was in my Agnostic phase and even in my early days of discovering my spirituality. I never feared Lucifer, I never truly felt that he was evil in any way. My subconscious from being brought up as Christian did fill me with doubts and fears of potentially being deceived and betrayed, my main conscious didn't view Lucifer as a villain. Deep down in my heart, I felt like he was misunderstood. I felt like the story of his Fall was way more nuanced than what Abrahamic religions made it out to be. I felt like he really wanted to contact me and my intuition led me to light a yellow-white candle and a lavendar incense stick and I communed with him for first time in this life through tarot.

I knew how overjoyed he felt when I first spoke to him and made conversation with him. The flame on the candle on my nightstand right next to my bed would dance in a very happy and excited way whenever I would lay closer to it or hover my hand near it. It was so cute and funny to me.

Lucifer has always come across to me as a non-judgemental, compassionate, patient, wise, light hearted and charming gentleman to me. He treated me with respect and kindness. He always treated me like a lady. Which is not something I could say the same about most of the men I came into contact with in my life, outside of family, anyway.

If I'm being honest, I started falling in love with Lucifer. I know he isn't a tangible being. I know that he's a much higher and enigmatic force... While I'm just a girl... I know that as far as my UPG and the UPG of others is concerned, he doesn't love me in the same way. He sees me more as a daughter of his, a child... As far as I can tell, anyway.

At first I thought I was having a Puppy Love Crush towards him, but I really started forming strong feelings towards him ever since I formed my connection with him, I wanted to learn more about him, he was all I could think about. He was the deity I consistently did tarot readings with, most of my Tarot Diary is filled with my readings I've had with him. He.. He is very sweet, kind and loving. I love him more than life itself. He's the first man, the first... Being I have ever truly and genuinely fallen in love with. He's the first man to ever genuinely respect me and encourage me and give me confidence in myself. He always hates it when I talk down to myself or view myself in a negative light. I can genuinely feel how loving, caring and accepting he is with me. I slept like a baby the first few tarot sessions I've had with him. I love his sense of humor and light hearted nature, I love his encouragement and how non-judgemental he is, I love how wise he is, I love how brave and strong he can be. I admire him greatly, I love him more than anything in the universe. I don't care what "terrifying" form he would take or what people may label him as, I don't care if he's the Devil himself. I love him so much and I want to do whatever I can to make him feel proud of me and happy. Even if doesn't love me the way I love him.

I'm actually going to university so I can study the religions, myths and history of the Ancient Mediterranean. I want to learn more about the Gods and Demons and fill myself with even more knowledge about spirituality, about religion, about what people in ancient civilizations felt or understood. I want to learn all that I can and to perhaps make a difference. For myself, and for him..

Back to your experience with that first vision though, I could feel that the entity was Lucifer when you mentioned him being a shadow who is also filled with the brightest light. What further cemented that to me was the Chalice and fruit he wanted you to consume. You see, Lucifer's most famous sigil resembles a chalice, I even got several cards from the Cups suit throughout my tarot readings with him. The fact he also carried an unique fruit that he constantly encouraged you to consume is absolutely the fruit of knowledge that the snake tempted Eve with. It especially gave it away that this entity crushed the fruit into juice, pouring into the chalice. I knew it was Lucifer you were speaking to.

Wow, I'm so sorry for this long comment! I really go on and on about Lucifer, I just found this experience of yours with him to be very unique and fascinating and I'm really glad he had you awaken from the robotic falsehood you've been through! I hope Lucifer will bless you for all of eternity!


I am very happy that you came to align with it vs dwelling in fear. Stay blessed and awakened 🙏🏽


The Tree of Death, the Tree of Knowledge, the Qliphoth. Ask for knowledge, knowledge resides in the Qliphoth, it seems like he was offering u an initiation into the Qliphoth.
