5. SQL Interview Queries | sql interview questions and answers | #50DaySQLQueryChallenge

Показать описание
50DaySQLQueryChallenge is a series of 50 videos covering 50 SQL Interview Queries. This is the third video in this series. This video series aims to provide 50 SQL Queries that can be asked during SQL Interviews. In these videos, I will explain how to solve and address such SQL queries during interviews.
This particular video covers an SQL Interview query.

SQL Script:
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CREATE TABLE part5sqlquiz
CustId Int,
CustName varchar(250),
SaleDt Date,
amount int

Insert Into part5sqlquiz
Values (1,'Jhon','2024-04-01',100), (2,'Daniel','2024-04-02',110), (3,'Jade','2024-04-03',120), (4,'Khaled','2024-04-04',130), (5,'Winston','2024-04-05',110),
(6,'Elvis','2024-04-06',140), (7,'Anna','2024-04-07',150), (8,'Maria','2024-04-08',80), (9,'Jaze','2024-04-09',110), (1,'Jhon','2024-04-10',130)
, (3,'Jade','2024-04-10',150)

Let's follow the below playlist to make the best use of it:
1. SQL Quiz 50 days challenge:

2. sql server complex interview questions and answers:

3. SQL server real-time scenario:

4. SQL Server interview questions and answers:
Рекомендации по теме

;with cte as
Select *, CASE WHEN day(saledt)<=7 Then '1'
WHEN day(saledt)<=14 Then '2'
WHEN day(saledt)<=21 Then '3'
WHEN day(saledt)<=28 Then '4'
ELSE '5' END AS weeknum
From part5sqlquiz
SELECT max(saledt) as saledt, sum(amount) as totalamount, avg(amount) as avg_amount
from cte
group by weeknum


max(SaleDt) as saldate, sum(amount) as totalAmt, AVG(amount) as AvgAmt
from part5sqlquiz
group by
(case when day(SaleDt)<=7 then 1
when day(SaleDt)<=14 then 2
when day(SaleDt)<=21 then 3
when day(SaleDt)<=28 then 4 else 5 end )


in my SQL

;with cte as
select *
, case when DATEPART(d, SaleDt) <= 7 then 1
when DATEPART(d, SaleDt) <= 14 then 2
when DATEPART(d, SaleDt) <= 21 then 3
else 4
end as WeekNum
from part5sqlquiz

select MAX(SaleDt) as SaleDt, SUM(amount) as Total_Amount, AVG(amount) as AVG
from cte
Group by Weeknum


max(SaleDt) as saldate, sum(amount) as totalAmt, AVG(amount) as AvgAmt
from part5sqlquiz
group by
(case when day(SaleDt)<=7 then 1
when day(SaleDt)<=14 then 2
when day(SaleDt)<=21 then 3
when day(SaleDt)<=28 then 4 else 5 end )
