GED Math Algebra Lesson - 10-28-21

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In this video you will learn how to do an advanced equation for the GED Math Reasoning Test, or as I call it, Solve for X. If you want to pass the GED Math Test in 2021, it is important to know how equations are tested on the GED Math Reasoning Test. This video will also show you two actual screenshots from an Official GED Math Reasoning Practice Test. PLUS++ I cover two word problems, step-by-step at the end!

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It is so important to grind in 2021 to pass the GED Math Test. In 2013, the last year of the old version of the GED Test, some 800,000 students took the test. In 2014, the first year or the new GED Test, barely 170,000 took the test. What happened? The GED Test got harder – especially on the math section. Essentially, the test went from being 25% algebra content to 55% algebra content. Things have improved some and in 2017 some 300,000 took the test. As of 2021, as a nation, we are a still a long way away from those 2013 numbers.
Why is this important to know? It’s important so you understand how important it is to have a strong algebra base. If you don’t, you will not pass the math test. Even if you pass the other three tests, you still will live life without your GED because you have to pass all four test to earn your credential.
A select few will be able to watch a few YouTube videos, skim through those big 600-page GED books and pass the test. BUT…most will have to grind it out at Adult Schools around the country and through online courses.


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