Kazakhstan's Modern Geopolitical Imperatives

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*"Changes not seen for 100 years", *
Who seeks to expand its influence in the region at the expense of *US* interests. The culmination of *_technological advancements, resource competition, ideological clashes and strategic military realignments_* will heighten tensions between involved countries. This is the reflection of the complex interplay of elements, leading to a reshaping of the geopolitical status quo.

*_China_* quietly forming alliances for various reasons, *mutual defense, economic cooperation, shared ideological beliefs and the emergence of unconventional threats that challenge the existing world order.* *_China's_* allies aligning with each other with a hidden multitude of factors at play.

The conflicts started in the *_Middle East and Europe_* causes heavy war will potentially allow *_China_* *to strengthen its position* in the other small countries.


*_•Russia vs Ukraine_* supported by *US* and allies.
*_•Hamas_* supported by *_Iran-Russia_* et al. surprised attack against *_Israel_* backed with *US.*
*_•China_* claiming territory of *_Philippines_* et al., *_retaking Taiwan_* warned by *US.*
*_•North Korea_* continuesly threatened *_South Korea, _* with the goal of distracting the *US* from supporting other nations at risk.

Those antagonistic country to *US* are likely using their simultaneous strategy, waiting for the *US* *_(a global superpower)_* *to be weakened before* *_China and NoKor_* *made an aggressive actions to another countries.*

*"Changes unseen for a century is not just a temporary disruption, but a transformative event with far-reaching implications for the future of international relations and to rise, as a new power dynamics."* *Believe it or not, this was planned.*

_Don't blame Biden and Netanyahu, they know what they're doing._
_They know when to stop._
_All they need is your trust._
