Season 7, Episode 1: What is the 'Restrainer?'

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The Prophecy Pros are trying to turn the world upside down! Can you spot the hint? :-)

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I like when Todd said “When you look at it logically” and I think there are those who do not carefully look at scripture, study, cross reference with other scriptures. They may not know how to look at views such as the pre tribulation rapture. They may not know how to defend this particular doctrine or any doctrine for that matter. Thank you for the work from people like yourselves who do in depth studies, writing books, speaking through sermons.
I strongly believe in the pre tribulation rapture of the church. God said keep you from ( Revelation 3:10 )
1 Thessalonians 4 and Revelation 19 are different in the comings of Jesus.
God bless you abundantly Amen.


Thanks Guys!!
Greetings from South Australia!!
Yes you are spot on!! The church is to be salt and light!! Restraining decay.
No other power can restrain the spirit of Anti christ other than the antithesis, or opposite force, which has to be the Spirit of Christ!! The Holy Spirit in believers!!
Thankyou for this I really needed some sanity!
Just watched my ex pastor from what you would call a reformed church preaching today on " As in the Days of Noah" Mtt 24.
He said that all horrors that are going on today have all happened before, we had 2 world wars, famines, Spanish Flu, this is no different apart from maybe that we now have digital
He said Mr 24 happened at Ad 70. He than added that he doesn't believe in the rapture, it was not taught for the last 1800 years except for one guy in the 1800's!
( I presume he meant Darby!🙄)
I sent him an email during covid to warn him but he responded with the usual.... "My job is to preach the gospel"
So sad and depressing and isolating. Finding an awake church here is hard.
So listening today about the only hope we have, the BLESSED HOPE, was very uplifting! Thankyou!!
Soon we will all be saying...


Thankyou for your discernment and interpretation of the word of God, I enjoy your talks and information


If the restrainer is taken out of the earth, how will people be saved during the tribulation? Who will draw them?


Facts! The church is the Bride...Bride is never mentioned during tribulation!
The rapture is about a WEDDING!
It's not a matter of escaping!
The Galilean wedding tradition is in direct line with the rapture!
Free on Tubi - "Before the wrath"
The church needs to learn about the Galilean wedding! It confirms a pre-trib rapture!!!


The Galilean wedding example and the parable of the 10 virgins: pay attention!
1)The Father of the groom alerts the groom it's time to receive his bride.
2)The shofar is blown along the way to receiving the bride.
3)Those along the way that heard the shofar were awaiting and looking foward and had full oiled lamps joined the gathering heading towards the bride.
4)The Father, Groom and all those that were prepared arrive at the house of the bride and the crowd lifts the bride in the air as she sits being taken to the Grooms Fathers house in the air, when the door is shut for 7 days.
For 7 days, the wedding ceremony takes place. No one is allowed to enter or exit for 7 days!
The rapture is a Pre-Trib example of the Galilean wedding!


Chapter 2 tells you the restrainer is. Or you have to do is read it. Scripture usually interprets itself. It's not the church it's not the holy spirit is not Michael the archangel. What does the word not want to hear? Romans 1 says they suppress the truth in unrighteousness. In other words the world is trying to restrain the restraining force of the truth of God. Chapter 2 says they receive not the love of the truth.


The final 7 is a seven year period, not the tribulation, which is 1, 290 days.
Remember the ice breaker to the pre-trib idea is Matt 24 "after the tribulation of those days...."
This pretty clearly destroys the pre-trib idea.


According to Daniel 9 and 12 Michael the archangel is the restrainer. I totally disagree with you. I use to believe the Holy Spirit was because I was taught that, but people will be saved during the tribulation, so it is not the Holy Spirit, no way. Pre trib rapture theory is a false doctrine.


The Spirit is the restrainer, when the Elect were all killed is when Yahweh took his Spirit of salvation from this earth. The Anti- Messiah was revealed in the 4th century. I know who he is.


Will the tribulation believers not have the spirit??? I tend to believe the restrainer is Michael. He throws Satan into the pit. I tend to believe the Holy Spirit has the personality of a Dove. Can’t see he him being the restrainer.


Revelation 20:4-6
New American Standard Bible
4 Then I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was given to them. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of [a]their testimony of Jesus and because of the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received the mark on their foreheads and on their hands; and they came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. 5 The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were completed. This is the first resurrection. 6 Blessed and holy is the one who has a part in the first resurrection; over these the second death has no power, but they will be priests of God and of Christ, and will reign with Him for a thousand years.

Revelation 20 includes the "tribulation saints" amongst those who take part in the first resurrection which is the gathering together of both the dead and living in Yeshua to Yeshua so how can the "tribulation saints" be left behind.
Also, there is zero mention of returning to heaven in any "rapture "verse.
Sorry guys, but pre trib theory is unbiblical.
YAHWEH is very purposeful in HIS WORD and HE said that what you call the tribulation saints are included with those who are gathered together with Yeshua at the first resurrection.


You are wrong about the Holy Spirit being the Restrainer! You are Ignorant about the truth of the Restrainer! The Apostles never ever talked about the Holy Spirit as being a Restrainer! So let's talk about the Restrainer. The Prophet Baruk reveals the Restrainer in 2 Baruk 48:8 "With nods of fear and indignation you command the flames and they change into ruachoth and with a word you quicken that which was not and with mighty power you hold that which has not yet come." The theme of this verse is about commanding Spirits. The revelation of the Restrainer is in the last part of this verse. "... and with mighty power you hold that which has not yet come." THIS IS TAKEN FROM THE HEBREW. HEBREW IS READ FROM RIGHT TO LEFT. So when it says; mighty power it would not be wrong to say; power of might, and since the theme is commanding Spirits, it would be proper to say Spirit of Might. Thus it is proper to say; with the Spirit of Might you hold that which has not yet come. We have just now identified the verse that reveals the Restrainer. So, what did Yahuah, Who Baruk was talking to, command the Spirit of Might to do? The anwer is; to hold what has not yet come, to be the Restrainer. So, how is a spirit moved? Let us look at how Messiah moved a spirit. In John 11:43b "...He cried with a loud voice, Laz'a-rus, come forth!" Those of you that have witnessed a person dying knows that the spirit of a person leaves his body. In this scripture Messiah has to move the spirit of Lazarus back into his body, which He does so by crying out loud with His voice. So the spirit of Lazarus was moved back into his body, and when Messiah told him to come forth so he did. Messiah had to cry outloud with His voice. Now let us see the Restrainer actually being moved as Paul described in 2Thessalonians. Revelation 10 We see the very same Angel of Messiah that He sent to Signify that all of the Prophetic Book of Revelation is Truth and sure to be coming soon. Notice He has the open scroll in His hand with the Seals removed, indicating that He has the Authority to move the Restrainer. His right foot on the sea, and left foot on the land which are releasing the spirit of the son of perdition from the abyss, and the false prophet from the land. However His main focus is moving the Restrainer. He cries out with a loud voice, but as a lion roars. This is NOT A HUMAN SPIRIT HE IS MOVING, BUT RATHER THE SPIRIT OF MIGHT, WHICH IS ONE OF THE SEVEN SPIRITS BEFORE THE THRONE OF YAHUAH. SO THE ANGEL OF MESSIAH HAS TO CRY OUTLOUD WITH AUTHORITY TO MOVE THE SPIRIT OF MIGHT, THE RESTRAINER, WHO IS HE THAT HOLDS, THAT WHICH HAS NOT YET COME, JUST AS PAUL SAID IN 2THESSALONIANS. THE SEVEN SPIRITS OR THUNDERS REPLY, INDICATING THAT THE COMMAND WAS OBEYED. THEN MESSIAH'S ANGEL RAISED HIS HAND TO HEAVEN AND SWORE TO MESSIAH HIMSELF THAT THERE IS NO MORE TIME OR DELAY, BECAUSE HIS ANGEL JUST MOVED THE RESTRAINER, SO THAT THE SON OF PERDITION COULD BE REVEALED IN HIS OWN TIME, JUST AS PAUL SAID IN 2THESSALONIANS. NOTICE: THIS ACTION DOES NOT INVOLVE BELIEVERS OR THE HOLY SPIRIT AS THE CHURCH HAS LIED ABOUT.


Is US the restrainer that once it's fallen all hell breaks loose???
