IT'S ALL OVER! Galaxy Watch 4 Classic One Year Later BRUTALLY HONEST

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How do you feel about the Galaxy Watch 5? Are you team Galaxy watch 4 Classic?(Comment Below)


I'm Team Galaxy Watch 4 Classic. I am not ordering this year's pro model!


I think Samsung also forgot the fact that the physical vessel is so useful to turn off alarms, reject calls and stop timers. I guess you can do it too on the touching vessel but it's definitely not the same


I did a lot of homework on the watches, and I bought the Watch 4 Classic 46mm. I like the functional bezel, the 5 ATM waterproof (for Swimming/SCUBA Diving/Kayaking/Hang Gliding/Flying), the battery life, and the style & I don't know much more about the Watch 5, off the top of my head.
I think the smaller Watch 5 had the same or less battery life???
Anyhow, any really nice, classy watch has a working bezel. The Watch 5 not having a working bezel tells me they are going cheap on their watches.
I wanted a great heart, sleep and fitness monitor.
As for the weight of the Watch 4 LTE 46mm Chrome, at 52g, I find it a little heavy for a watch, BUT I haven't worn a watch for years, AND I am adjusting fast in just a couple of days.
My wrist is about 7.5 to 7.75", and although it has a beautiful, large face, it is slim and doesn't feel clunky at all.
The battery life and larger size, as well as the working bezel, are about as small as I'd like a touch screen to be, and the bezel and gestures to operate are awesome thus far (I've only had it for a few days, but love it thus far!)
I started with a lotta apps running to start with, and the first few days, I was killing my battery quickly.
I tried out lotsa apps, and now am trying it tonight after pairing down my apps to what I will actually use day-to-day, yet can still access my compass for hiking, diving, kayaking, flying, etc., for instance, when I need it.
I am still working my way through the menus, to see what all this watch can do, and find it is about like buying a new tablet or computer. It clearly takes a while to get through the apps, decide what I will actually use regularly.

I am watching your next video comparing watches, and am happy I stuck with the Watch 4 Classic.
The Watch 5 missing the bezel seems like a big downgrade. I am used to having round instruments having a bezel. It is strange not to use it as a marker, yet getting used to the menus using it is awesome!
I would like it to be usable as a marker for an analog face, like a timer, for the compass as a direction marker to get back to where I came from, to mark search direction, etc., but it's not hard to get used to.
The ability to use the watch while in or near salt water, bathing and while in a pool is important to me. I've never liked a watch that can't stand up to being underwater, that can stand up to being bumped, etc. is important to me. I look for a water rating & military rating before I even look at specs, especially on expensive electronics.
If a watch can't take water or a little bumping around, I'm not interested.
Battery life is next. I don't want a watch I'll have to charge every few hours! I am reasonable as to what my expectations are, but I don't want to deal with mid-day charging.
I love the ability to use what I need, be able to shut off what I don't need 24/7, yet being able to access those things and turn them on when I want those things.
The heart monitor and O² monitors and tracking on my phone are very important to me, as is optimizing health, so the Apple Watches and Samsung's Watch 4 Classic and Watch 5 Pro were my top 3 choices. I already use a Samsung Galaxy S21 I have had for quite a while, so that took out the Apple watches, and my choices were then Samsung's Watch 4s and Watch 5s.
I wanted a higher mAh battery, so the Watch 4 Classic 46mm and Watch 5 Pro 45mm were my top choices. The bezel on the Watch 4 was a big selling point, as was the price of the Watch 4 Classic 46mm.
The Watch 4 Classic 46mm LTWLE went on sale at for about half the price of the Watch 5 Pro 45mm LTE, so I bought it.
I'm glad I bought the model I did, as not having a bezel would've been something that I certainly would've missed, and had I bought the Watch 5 Pro, I would've certainly been disappointed.
Perhaps Samsung will bring the bezel back for Watch 6? I certainly hope so, at least in some models with the higher mAh batteries! I hope they will make it useful as a marker for direction, timing, etc. for their analog faces, AND have it available to use for the menus as well, as I like that functionability as well!
1) Does the Samsung Classic 4 46mm LTE have a depth gauge for SCUBA and free diving? and/or a dive computer?

2) Does the same watch have an altimeter for flying? If so, is it real-time?

3) When Samsung says the Watch 4 Classic 46mm LTE is depth rated to 5ATMs, do they mean 4 ATAs (5 Atmospheres Absolute or 132 feet deep in sea water at sea level) OR do they mean 5ATMs (6 ATAs or 198 feet deep in sea water from sea level)?
I've searched for this information, yet haven't been able to find an answer.
4) If it can detect depth and/or altitude, how is this measured by the watch?

If these watches don't have this ability, it would be a couple of great additions to the Samsung Watch 6 Pro LTE, along with bringing back the bezel, and making it a marker and change it to use to scroll through menus.

6) Are the stainless steel bands, you have, actually true stainless steel? I live near and when out and about, I do enjoy the ocean, so a watch and band that are OK in salt water are a necessity.

7) Do you recommend a watch cover, as well as a new band?

8) Can you show how to remove links from the stainless steel band for those of us with smaller wrists?

9) What type of clasp does the stainless band have?

10) Are there any Titanium bands you can recommend for the Watch 4 Classic 46mm LTE?

I'm with you on the missing bezel on the Watch 5! Who thought dropping that was a good idea?

Thank you so much for the information!
Great video!
I'm glad I finally broke down and finally bought the Watch 4 Pro 46mm LTE.
So far, so good!
I turned off a lotta apps I wasn't using, as it was going through the battery very fast the first few days. Tonight, actually this morning around 2am, I still have 46% of my battery after going all day, and playing with my settings for a couple of hours today. I still need to dial it in for my uses, battery life, etc., and still haven't accessed the developer's menu (& not sure I need to or want to???)
Great information!
I'm very happy that I bought the Watch 4 Classic 46mm LTE. I kinda bought it not knowing everything about the Watch 5, as it was on sale for a good price. I've been looking for about a year or more, so I needed to simply break down and buy one, as I really wanted a good heart monitor, PO², BP, compass, watch, phone, etc.
I think I made the best choice.

You earned a subscriber!


Let's also mention the fact that with the bezel you could completely change the style of it as many times you wanted by adding a ringke bezel of any color . I would change it everytime I wanted a new look along with the straps . This is a big dissapoitment and they will loose lots of sales just because of that bezel .


I just picked up the Galaxy 4 classic 42mm for only $179 on Amazon. It’s packed full of features. Definitely worth the money. The battery could be better but with medium use it works out fine. Have the iPhone 12 so upgraded to the S22 ultra just to use the watch. Great video man. Sucks they got rid of the T-bezels.


Great video as always, CJ! I 100% agree with you on the uniqueness of the Classic model and how it made Samsung stand out. I currently have both the Galaxy Watch 4/4 Classic in 44/46. However, I ordered the Watch 5 Pro, which might replace my Watch 4. The 4 Classic is not going anywhere! Samsung will continue to sell the 4 Classic, but I believe the lack of sales due to the removal of the bezel will encourage them to bring it back on the GW6. Keep up the great work, and be blessed!


I hate it! I LOVE my GW3 and it's rotating bezel. I prefer the physical click you get when selecting something vs a swipe. It's just better. Also, I don't like that they're going lighter with the 5. I like a little weight to my watch -- it feels premium. I guess they're trying to make it more futuristic or whatever but, to me, the GW5 looks like something your grandparent would have to wear in their assisted living community.


I totally agree with everything you said about the classic watch! Once I saw there was no rotating bezel I knew I would not be getting the watch 5. I wear my galaxy watch 4 in the house and when I work out and sleep, but when I'm out and about its always my watch 4 classic on my wrist. The look and bezel are just unmatched! I can't believe Samsung didn't bring it back 😡 maybe they'll bring it back with the watch 6, but if not I'll be wearing my watch 4 classic until it dies or I die, whichever comes first lol


Will be sticking with the GW4 Classic until the physical rotating bezel returns.
Why remove the one thing that really makes their watches stand out? The GW5 Pro looks like a toy in comparison - actually reminds me of my 6 year old nephew's watch!


Get this man a turn bezel!!!!

Great video, CJ! Hoping to get a Watch 4 Classic myself. Can't wait to rock those Rolex watch faces.


I agree CJ, I'm keeping my Watch 4 Classic! C'mon Samsung what were you thinking when you did away with the rotating bezel on the Watch 5?


Hey Man, would you recommend galaxy watch 4 classic today over the watch 5 and 5 pro?


The swaaggg! And I agree! Finally found someone who considers the classic design to match every guy's watch preference.


Is the watch 4 is viable late 2023/2024? Im wanting to get onto smart watches. I dont need sport/health or any other frequent tracking features. I just want notification, time, and calendar stuff.
I want the classic 4, but im dont want to end up with an obsolete "dumb" smart watch.


I will be hanging onto my 4 classic till it dies! I hate, hate, hate, that they took the rotating bezel away and that the pro only comes in one size! Us girls do not want a watch bigger than our wrist, but we also want the pro. Bad decision. I know its due to the batt size, but there is always a work around like they did with the classic 4! Not looking forward to the 5 release at all. Maybe the 6 will be better?


FR with the processor being the same, the real upgrades from the 4 Classic to the 5Pro were the faster charging, battery life, and a better strap. And if none of those are worth sacrificing the bezel, then yeah, the 4 Classic is the way to go.


Without the bezel I'll never upgrade. They can be on watch 10 and I'll still hold back with my 4 classic


Finally picked my very first smart watch. After doing a bunch of research on the 4 classic, 5, 5 pro and pixel watch, I decided to buy the 4 classic 46mm. Just ordered it today


I pre-ordered the galaxy watch 5 pro, but still my classic 4
