Great Recordings: Sibelius Symphony No. 3 - why its worth 30 minutes of your time

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Between 1904 and 1907 the Finish composer Jean Sibelius composed his third symphony, Op.52 in C Major. It turned out to be a big departure from his 1st. and 2nd, and his violin concerto which he was writing around the same time. In this video I compare seven recordings of the piece, showing the amazingly different approaches of the seven different conductors and orchestras. I also argue the case that the piece is both masterful and emotionally transformative; that it is wonderful for testing your HiFi system after changes and adaptations. More importantly, for many: Sibelius' third symphony can be a doorway to a deeper appreciation and understanding of the power of classical music.

Harley Lovegrove

The recordings compared:

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The rousing 'Hymn Theme' from the finale has lived in my heart, like many of Sibelius' themes, for many years, but unlike any other it pops up almost daily, spurring me on, lifting my spirits, keeping me going. I love every single symphony Sibelius ever wrote, and can't possibly pick a favorite (they're each my absolute favorite for different reasons and times), but that silly little beautifully simple and triumphant theme accompanies me everywhere. The Third really is marvelous, and you can find all its most important bits encoded in that adventurous, mysterious, tremulous first movement. It's a shame so many people skip over this middle symphony when without it, we'd never get any of the quiet and clamorous Fourth or the moments of blazing brilliance in his last three. These pieces have been beloved companions all my life and it's wonderful to see you take so much time with one of the less well known of them, and the one that feels most like, well, a best friend. Thank you!


Dear Harley, what an excellent musical sharing, it is time consuming, but it worth it, please keep making such kind of musical sharing!


Have known the 2nd, 4th, 5th and 7th for many many years, and only recently discovered the 3rd. What a joy. Love Sibelius‘s palette, his energy, and the beautiful enigmas of his compositions. Thank you for this informative, enriching video.


Yay! a new video. I'm always waiting for these like a child on Christmas morning haha


Amazing videos. I follow all your vidéos but this one is exceptional and introduced me to classical and Sibelius. I think we need more videos on classical pieces so I can learn how to listen what to look for and appreciate artistic decisions and you did that so well in this video. Bravo!!


As a classical musician myself, with one of my favorite symphonies period being Sibelius 3 since I was a teenager, thank you for making this. Despite its being recorded so often (more often than not as part of "complete Sibelius symphonies" sets), it's so often overlooked, but to me it's one of the most beautiful pieces in the orchestral repertoire.


This promotion of classical music is beyond excellent. the comparison and analysis of different recordings of the same symphony is priceless. It makes me as a home audio enthusiast more educated and curious when I go to the record store to pick up different versions on different media types. Thank you so much for this education.


Thank you for your enthusiastic advocacy of a work that's frequently overlooked. In its own way, the 3rd is as radical as the 4th Symphony and marks a clear departure from the lush, expansive, late Romantic world of Sibelius's first two symphonies.


Sibelius 3 is on my personal top 10 favorite symphonies list - for me it evokes the spirit of an ancient age when both the land and people were one


A most entertaining/absorbing video. Though Sibelius's No. 2 Symphony is my favourite, I shall now listen to the No.3 Symphony with different ears. Please more videos like this.


My seven favourite symphonies are by Sibelius. I revere Sibelius and I have quite often listened to all seven chronologically in one sitting. It is an extraordinary musical journey starting with the sublime clarinet solo of Symphony No 1 and ending with the serene cadence of the 7th (which when the time comes is the last thing I want to hear on earth) Vanska is my man. Used to be Berglund but I think Vanska has a really profound understanding of what Sibelius is about. Symphony No 3 is very special especially the slow movement. Only Sibelius could have written this masterpiece. It stays in my head for hours after I’ve heard it. Outstanding music.


I watched this a few weeks ago i now have a new favourite symphony thanks to you.


I love this "listen along" format, Harvey. Thanks for taking the time to do it!


Thanks for another great video... Your passion for the music is infectious! Very nice sound in your room as well.


Thank you for this great discussion. I really like Sibelius 2 and 5; I haven’t listened to 3 very much. But your full-throated enthusiasm has convinced me that I need to study this symphony.


Thanks for reminding me of the Vladimir Ashkenazy recordings, a revisit paid off tremendously! 😊 I have been a Sibelius obsessive since I was 15 and my then boss in the electric appliance shop I worked played me Finlandia on his Revox 77 reel to reel and Quad 33/303 amps - it opened a world of classical music for me that has lasted decades (and cost me thousands in hifi! 😊). I've been enjoying the new lads on the block, Santtu and Paavo and even Klaus Mäkelä (although with the latter I can't see what all the fuss is about!) but isn't it true, although some of the newer recording have greater dynamic range (not always a good thing) and new sounds to discover, the version that gets your foot tapping and your arms performing air conducting is probably the most organically whole! Vladimir Ashkenazy and Colin Davis and the older BIS recording of Vanska and the Lahti certainly do that for me... 😊


Fantastic video. I'm just discovering classical music. Thanks to streaming, we have access to all composers and their works and their interpretations by great conductors. I already ordered Matias Rouvali cd. Thank you.


I agree with the previous comment about you being gifted at expressing the joy of enjoying music. Watching you do this, I know I had hearts in my eyes! I also looked these recordings up on Qobuz. Thank you for sharing the joy!


Harley, again many thanks for your contents, your passion. Love all your videos. You are such a gift for the community. Many thanks!


I love this show. I have always wanted to start listening to classical but never know which recordings are the best. I would love a “5-10 best classical recordings you must own” show
