Baby teeth and the use of space maintainers ©

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What happens if a baby tooth is lost before it should?

This video shows how a premature loss of a baby tooth can cause problems in permanent teeth. When a baby tooth is lost prematurely, the adjacent teeth will tend to occupy the space left by the extracted tooth, causing impactions of the permanent tooth preventing its normal eruption, teeth malposition and all the problems derived from this. To avoid these problems, a space maintainer is placed until the permanent tooth erupts, ensuring this way that it will have enough space for its normal eruption.

#babyteeth #spacemaintainer #pediatricdentistry

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My dentist is so nice and kind. The other ones are kind and nice too. When I got my cavity filled yesterday they held my hand along with my mom holding mine then did a countdown. Pulling the tooth hurts but after it feels uncomfortable not a lot of pain. I don’t know about the actual spacer or maintainer because I never got it done. This is just the first step for me. I hope it doesn’t hurt! If this is boring don’t read it sorry. I know it’s tempting to read a comment that says “Read More”. Well, it’s 12:00 p.m, I’m in my bed watching dentist videos to threaten myself, I’m a weirdo, I want to go back to the dentist because I just miss it for some reason, so I should probably go to bed. Have a good night or day! Thanks for reading even though you are probably really bored now. Man I could type all night. Welp that’s it for now. Stay awesome. Stay cavity free.

seriously I should become a journalist
I’m only ten I don’t even know what a journalist is lol I’m dumb. Well I am in ELP (extended learning program) at school, and because it is extended learning, I am technically smart, but extending more than other students that are in my normal grade level, or in my class. Those who are reading right now please do not feel offended by anything I say. I just got my tooth pulled, and I’m not in the mood for a war of commenting. Anyways, I cannot be able to do lots of things in my ELP learning to this day. In the future I see myself as a journalist. Sorry mates, I just can’t stop typing. I get lost in the typing. That’s what my ELP teacher tells us. To get “Lost in the Writing.” Does anyone else get lost in writing sometimes? I’m really just saying that because I have nothing to do but watch weird videos (not saying this video is weird. This video is educational and it helped explain to me what I will be getting in the next two weeks) and I am lonely. I could play with friends on online games, but I just don’t feel like it. Ok, I think I got all the ideas out of my mind. But... at school we read this book called Out Of My Mind. It’s about this girl named Melody. She is highly intelligent for her age, but she is unable to walk, talk, or move joints and limbs smoothly. This isn’t the point. The point is that I should stop typing now. I type too much... Cant. Stop. Mind. Well everybody R.I.P. because I made you suffer reading my essay about dentists and school and futures. You have come to the end. Congratulations 🎉🎈. But I might add more. GOOD NIGHT OR GOOD DAY EVERYONE. STAY BEAUTIFUL STAY HEALTHY STAY CAVITY FREE STAY SMART STAY SAFE STAY KIND STAY AWESOME LOVE YOUR FAMILY. And always... always love



I have this problem, and let met tell you, honestly, it's FREAKIN growing on the sideeee


I had one of these and the metal apparently will stick to gum while gum won't stick to my braces like what the heck why can't they just make the metal on those things the same metal that's on braces bc I had to wear that for 2 years


Thank u for preventing a bad future for me


I used to have one of these. My dentist put one in when I had a silver tooth pulled. I was 6 at the time. When the adult tooth came in, my dentist never removed it for whatever reason. When I was 11, I finally got it removed. I was about to get braces, and my orthodontist finally removed it.


Anyone know if you can take these out yourself?


I’m 13 and I still have my top canine baby teeth is that normal??


Wish they would’ve done that when I was 7 instead of me having to have surgery next April to fix all the crap that my dentist didn’t find until I was 13.


I'm from the Philippines and i haven't heard of spacers. When my tooth is like coming off, the new tooth were going to appear right behind the baby tooth and so after i just removed the baby tooth, I had to push the permanent tooth by my tounge. And one time I had to remove one of my molars by the dentist because it already have cavity. It never grow back again because by the time I had to removed it, a tooth from the front is wiggling and i had to get it out and again, the permanent tooth is right behind it. Since there are no enough space for that, my tooth moved a liitle sidewards where there are this space where my molar just came out. That space are now gone and now my molars were not complete
(Sorry for the grammar)


Como é feito este procedimento para q criem raiz do dente?


I got my space maintainer installed when I was 5-7 and two days later I chewed some gum and it came right off.


Are used to have a spacer and it came out today !😌❤️


I have the one that goes around to my other molar


This happens to me so on March 19 I got a teeth removed because I had a extra one


Listen I need a space regainer, I have only three lower incisors and my fourth one is behind my first premolar on the lower jaw. I need this to make room for the fourth incisor!


This thing hurts so bad it’s cutting into my gums


I had one of those in my mouth when I was little


Mk bị một cái y vầy luôn cuối cx nó mọc quặp vào trong vào trong 😑


A mi hijo cuándo tenía 4 le sacaron un molar, no llegué a ponerle el mantenedor de espacio, por ende se movió el diente del costado, se redució el espacio, ahora tiene casi 6 años, qué puedo hacer?
