Demolding Sophie and Toffee D&D dice

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Helloooooo!!!!! my geeky friends

So I just noticed that I am missing one of my dice for this video .... yeah it was in my UV lamp this whole time ^_^ So there is my Tasha moment of the day lol
Any whoooo Here is a fun little video of me demolding my first dice set and man the struggle was real lol. I had fun making these dice, some of them didn't go as plan but hey its all a learning adventure here at Tasha's Geek Charm ^_^

This is going to be an extra video this week I wasn't able to make one on the long weekend so I thought to post this one tell I can make a new crafting video this week.
I hope you all had a wonderful long Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada.
What did you do this long weekend let me know in the comments down below ^_^

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They came out really awesome! All my molds had the tops hopelessly stuck to the bottom, so I was only able to try one.


The best way to get the resin to flow into the d4 tip is to get a toothpick and dab it into your resin then poke it into the very tip at the bottom of the mold. A toothpick can also be good for areas the numbers don't want to pick up the paint as easily


The 1 on the D10 is upside down. Others might be wrong as well but I didn't bother to check.


To avoid the bubble, just use a straw and blow over the top before putting on the number piece - you can also use a lighter or heat gun :)


The loss of a point on the d4 is air trapped in the tip during pouring that failed to rise out. Slow pours along the inner wall help to prevent this in casts from happening. Also it helps to vacuum chamber your resin first to remove air. For casting many put their molds in a pressure pot and use a compressor to pressurize it as it casts. this compresses the resin in the mold and the air comes out but more importantly it compresses any trapped air into something so small they appear to disappear even though they are just compressed. Allows for you to cast clear dice very well to cast your molds in a pressure pot.

I also highly suggest using micromesh files or sponges for sanding an polishing anything meant to be clear as glass. they go up to like 12000 grit and come in packs for like $12 on amazon if you look up micromesh polishing.

Hope this helps. I've recently been working through the same trial and error and these methods fixed things right up.


Did you use a pressure pot for getting rid of bubbles?


Bevel those edges with a dermal. Your plan didn’t work but all the “1”’a are black! Happy mistake!
