Why Raw Vegans Soak Nuts & Seed before Eating | Dr. Aris Latham speaks on Nuts, Seeds, Grain & Wheat

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all your grains should be eaten only if they are sprouted, sprouted grains are not complex. make sure to always go for proutes grains 1st, I love Edens bakery & Ezekiel bread if I'm goin to consume grains however Dr. Arnold Ehret says we should only consume fruits veggies nuts seeds no grains at all his book is great to read it's called the mucusless diet


a side effect of soaking them is that they either taste better or worse going through that process, I find Brazil nuts actually taste better when they have been soaked


Modern humans, Homo sapiens, have been on Earth for about 300, 000 years, according to the most current archaeological findings. The earliest fossils classified within our species have been found in Africa and date back to this time.

Our lineage, however, extends much further back in time. The human family tree, which includes all the hominin species that came before us, dates back millions of years. The genus Homo, which includes modern humans and our closest extinct relatives, emerged roughly 2.5 million years ago.

If you consider earlier hominids like Australopithecines, which are also part of our evolutionary lineage, they have been around for about 4 to 5 million years. These ancestors were not yet human but shared a common ancestor with us and displayed some of the bipedal characteristics that are a hallmark of our lineage.

The consumption of seeds, nuts, and legumes by humans dates back to prehistoric times. The earliest evidence of humans eating these types of foods likely coincides with the emergence of Homo sapiens and even with earlier hominins.

Nuts and seeds: Archaeological evidence suggests that early humans were consuming nuts and seeds at least 780, 000 years ago. For example, at the Gesher Benot Ya’aqov archaeological site in Israel, researchers have found evidence of Acheulian hominins (a pre-sapiens human ancestor) consuming nuts from almonds, water chestnuts, and acorns. Nutcrackers and tools used to process hard seeds and nuts have also been found at other prehistoric sites, indicating that such foods were part of early human diets.

Legumes: The domestication of leguminous plants, such as lentils, peas, chickpeas, and beans, dates back to the Neolithic revolution approximately 10, 000 years ago, which is when humans transitioned from hunting and gathering to farming and settling. Wild legumes may have been consumed before that, but direct evidence is more challenging to pinpoint because plant materials are not as well-preserved as bones or stone tools. However, it is plausible that early humans, with their omnivorous diets, would have consumed wild legumes whenever available.

The Neolithic period marks a significant increase in the consumption and experimentation with seeds, nuts, legumes, and other plant materials as agriculture developed. This led to a change in diet and eventually to the domestication of these plants, which became staples in the human diet and remain so today.


Is there anyway to use TEFF flour that is healthy? I just started on raw again and have a 5 pound bag of teff flour. Thanks


Where is this? Is this like a workshop? I would love to participate in a workshop like this.


What about the pressure cooker.. does this allow for the inhibitors to be avoided this way when we cook our beans and peas?


Hey Dr. Aris Latham what almomd milk? I like to make turmeric mochas…..


Do pistachios also have to be soaked? Pistachio seems to be the easiest nut to digest even without soaking


If I soak my nuts and seeds do I have to dry them if I don't use them right away? Or do I let them sprout ?


Trying to put on weight but sure what to eat that’s not processed


Even though you sprout red beans aren't they still poisonous


In what food do we find 'sylliable' to mix with starches such as potatoes?


I don’t like how soft they get lol. Is there any way to make them crunchy again?


Mankind is not here for ten thousand years we're here for six thousand fifty years


After all said and done, not everyone can be on a raw diet.


This world is only about 6, 000 years old not a million.


You lost me at the beginning thinking we've been on the planet for over one million years. Without biblical principle, I'm out.
