Three Reasons to Believe Christianity Is True

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This week we dive into the big question of God’s existence and the truth of Christianity. James presents three arguments that provide evidence for the God of the Bible: something from nothing, order from chaos, and life from death.

Thursday, 7:00pm CT
Sunday, 10:00am and 8:00pm CT
Tuesday, 10:00pm CT
Wednesday, 7:00pm CT


God and Santa Claus - 00:00

Where Do Babies Come From? - 4:44

Goldilocks and the Three Bears - 10:49

The Only Falsifiable Religion - 18:50

Doubts Don’t Disqualify You - 25:55

You know, I always find it interesting how often Apologists claim that Christianity is 'loving' despite the fact that the loudest voices pushing back against things like LGBTQ and women's rights are Christian and use that faith to justify their position.
That aside, your 'arguments' in favor of this rely on the dishonest tactic of redefining terminology to make your position seem credible while trying to discredit ones you clearly haven't taken the time to understand. That doesn't inspire confidence, at least not in people who don't already assume you're correct.


I am very excited to watch this, I have really been struggling with my faith lately and I've been looking for something that will help!


You know what we call something timeless and immaterial? Nonexistent. Or at least, something that can't make change or interact with the physical realm. It's as powerful as a idea without a vessel.


If age is what impresses you, the creation myths of the Sumerians date from about 3, 600 years ago. More seriously, neither scientists nor philosophers take Lane Craig's Kalaam argument on the origin of the universe seriously. We have never observed, or found evidence that there ever could exist, a state of absolute nothingness. Nor that a god must be involved. The hypotheses advanced by scientists involve real, material causes (for example, Krauss' "quantum fields", and various cyclic models).


I repeated after the prayer and I felt goosebumps all over my body. It felt like a wave of mercy and love from God. Thank you so much💖


Wow im an ex-Muslim and after watching switch youth i started believing in Jesus Christ in god in Christianity. Specially this guy help me out a


"If you're looking at the evidence, philosophically and scientifically. We can conclude that the universe, which consists of all of space, time and matter. All of space, time and mater is apart of the universe. And so before the universe began to exist there was no space, no time, and no matter. So whatever the cause of the universe was it must be something outside of the universe. So that means whatever caused the universe to begin has to be spaceless, timeless, and immaterial. So it has to be spaceless, so infinite. It has to be timeless, so eternal. Immaterial, it's not gonna be something physical. The best way I've heard it described is it has to be some type of Spirit. Also, it's gotta be really really powerful to create everything we know in the universe. So, what is it that we call this thing that is spaceless, timeless, immaterial and immensely powerful? Well, us Christians, we call that thing God." -James Meehan


This was an awesome message! I love how Pastor James is scientific & spiritual


Oh my gosh. This helped me immensely. Thank you so extremely much. 🙏💕


God is really working I have been having doubts but still seeking him and this showed up on my recommended 🙏🏾😭


So happy that this community cares about apologetic! Thanks Switch and James


If you replace Jesus with Allah, and Christianity with Islam, this video is applicable why Islam is true religion LOL.


Every time i feel like i'm slipping from my faith this just brings ne right on track


So helpful to build my faith . Thank u


This is so hard because my non believer friends would do anything to try and say that he is wrong and the world came from the “Big Bang “ …it’s hard being a believer….


The timelessness of your first cause is "not present at any time", not "present at all times" which is what eternal means. It is also not a requirement, just one means of meeting the requirement. It only needs to be present at the instance of the beginning, it certainly does not need to exist after causing the beginning.

The spacelessness of your first cause is "not present at any place", not "present in all places". This is also not a requirement, just one means of meeting the requirement of being present at the beginning point.

What the above supposed requirements are attempting to describe is that there must be some other thing like the existence we understand, some other mode of existence than that of our space-time container and its energy content.

"Not made from energy" means it does not exist by the definition of existence used to get us to a first cause.

This argument is vacuous as well as invalid. The first two premises use 'exist' in different ways, so you can't combine them to the conclusion of a first cause.

Shall we go on? "Spirit" is proposed as one means of not being made from energy. 'Spirit' is synonymous with 'breath' in both the Biblical language of the oldest renditions of this story and in Latin, the language giving us that set of letters for that concept. Breathing is a flow of matter related to certain chemical reactions. So is spirit, when spirit leaves a person at death we note this by the stopping of chemical reactions in the brain. Electricity in biological systems is generated by chemical reactions. As such the thing that was called Spirit before we understood biology and electricity is actually a property of matter.
If we free ourselves from the etymological origin of the word (and therefore from the statements about it in the Bible or other such work) we get something that we can show via brain damage experiments is an emergent property of the arrangement and attributes of neurons. If something can be altered by simple physical means then it is made of physical material.
Is the spark that ignites the air-fuel mixture in a car engine more powerful than the explosion produced? Nope. So the claim that the causer of the universe had to be immensely powerful has no basis in any fact of the world that we know. Also 'powerful' has a scientific meaning while the pastor here is using the human hierarchical sense of the word. This is ripe for equivocation and indeed such equivocation yields many of the contradictions noted in the Bible.


Showing that a putative being as described by some text could hypothetically match the first cause is not proof that they exist and are that first cause.

Being one of a large number, potentially infinite, of candidates for the first cause is not proof that it is, you must provide direct proof of that being's existence plus proof that they and not some other cause was the actual trigger for the actual start of the universe.
You can wait on that until you have a sound demonstration that the universe is in the set of things that the 1st premise lists, the universe is not made of matter and energy it is the container for such, and what we know statistically is true for the content of the universe is zero evidence that it is also true for the container (have you ever heard of an experiment that generated space and time?)
This is not a proof, it has the textual form of a proof but it also has structural errors and lacks the facts that are necessary for an actual proof of anything outside of mathematical equivalencies (equivalencies of mathematical constructs).

Pastor James is not scientific, he does not correctly present the actual work of actual scientists (they do not have a consensus that the universe had a beginning) nor is his work mathematically sound (full of equivocation and non-sequiturs).


Please pray for me my parents and my family become Christians too. They are not unfortunately.


just a treasure, not just a video💓 i wish more people could see it


Indeed, many contemporary Christians do not know that many of their contemporary beliefs, laws and rites are not based on the Bible and Jesus' teachings ncluding the Old Testament and the New Testament but is based on the epistles of Paul and others


Let's accept that there was a creator of our universe. Who says it was the Christian god? Why not any other god? Maybe the creator has sacrificed itself to create this universe, how could we know?
