Trying to save my family's business as a UX Engineer student 🌱 - ep.1

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this took a lottttt longer than I expected lol. But I am glad its finally out, I appreciate you clicking. I would love to meet yall in the comments down below, tell me anything that interests you! This is the start of something I've wanted to do for a while, so if you have something you really want to do, take this as a sign. Don't let anyone stop you from chasing your dreams, it doesn't have to be successful. It's just got to make you happy (don't do illegal/bad stuff obv). Talk soon! 🌱

tiktok: @osoggy
twitch: osoggy

#ux #startup #compsci
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I think the website will draw in more people than you think. Foodies and people to just appreciate African and Caribbean culture will finally have a landing space for all their grocery needs. Imagine the folks who are freshly immigrated from their homes and have been craving a piece of normalcy but have no where to go. This website is a huge solution. I’m excited to see where it goes


Personally, I feel that the average shopper tends to respond more to advertising when they can quickly get verbal confirmation about it, like from whoever is checking them out. You could probably put a smaller sign at the register that includes the QR/link, probably mention the survey and discount (since I feel people REALLY get pulled in by that sort of thing), and that way the customer is more likely to actually ask for information about it directly.
