The vault tec conspiracy meeting part two [Fallout]

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Season one episode eight.
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Halt! I have two things.

1: I think you are taking this wrong. A lot, and I mean A LOT of you are talking about how its capitalist or anti capitalist and all about money. It isn't. If you pay attention you see that they're talking about essentially remaking the world from scratch, not profiting from it. Instead setting it up "perfectly". Mr. House is the only one who brings up "significant earning potential". But he's House, that's kind of his thing. So it isn't about money, its about "everyone wants to save the world. They just disagree about how." And they're kind of right. Hypothetically a society that was constructed instead of created through natural progression would probably be a lot more efficient and peaceful than the alternative. But obviously, don't be nuking the world.

2: There has been some confusion on these companies and why they are here. Rob-Co, West-tek, Repconn, Big MT. I will explain why each of them are present at this meeting and how it doesn't change anything about previous fallout lore.

Mr. house/Rob-Co: So basically the main bit of confusion here is that in 2065 Mr. House calculated the bombs will drop in 2077, yet here it seems as though he got the information from this Vault-Tec meeting. It makes most sense that he is actually at this meeting because he did calculate it. Since he was making preparations it makes sense to make connections with vault-tec, connections which probably landed him a seat at this meeting. He also may have used this meeting to stock vault 21 with supplies he needed for his plans for Vegas.

West-Tek: West-tek made the FEV (Forced Evolutionary Virus). They had it at several locations including their West Virgina research location, the Mariposa military base and most importantly for here, vault 87. Vault 87 is the origin of super mutants in fallout 3. It would make sense for West-Tek to want to set up various different FEV research centres. The Mariposa base for direct military oversight, the West Virgina location was to test its effects on an unsuspecting population slowly, something taht couldn't really be done in a laboratory enviroment, and vault 87 would be perfect since they could control 100% of their test subjects diets, exercise, water intake, and well everything else. Not to mention that all of the pre war vault dwellers that entered vault 87 weren't expected to re emerge. A perfect environment for such experimentation.

Repconn: This is the strangest one. Repconn made rockets and worked on plasma rifle prototypes. Vault-Tec originally in some external material was going to colonize the moon as a puppet for the Enclave to bugger off to after the bombs destroyed everything. So they would need rockets for that goal. There is also the Vault-Tec: Among the Stars at Nuka world so clearly space is still something of a priority for them. I also seem to recall something about plasma rifles in a vault though can't remember what specifically. But most relevantly, Mr. House purchased Repconn so the Repconn representative here would have been essentially a puppet for Mr. House. Giving him two votes more or less, which is a very House thing to do. Since as we know, the house always wins.

Big MT: So this isn't a scientist, its Sinclair from the Serria Madre. So we don't know how much the doctors from old world blues actually were involved here. But whats important is that doctor Borous says that Vault-tec was best at these types of experiments and went on to talk about how they had to build fake cities for communist test subjects. So Borous was aware of these vault experiments and had some intimate knowledge about them before the bombs dropped, since the big MT lost all communication with the outside world after that happened. Since this was such a closely guarded secret the only way Borous could know this would be if he was involved somehow, like if he was part of a conspiracy.

So all of this makes perfect lore sense. No retcons or contradictions.


Benny was right..

The game was rigged from the start.


The part where he hears his wife say they’d drop the bombs themselves and pretty much goes into shock, terrific acting


I like how mr house is basically like "This is a fucking stupid idea wtf do we get out of this? A destroyed world with limited resources"


Imagine this. This whole meeting repeated in Cooper's mind when the bombs were dropped in episode 1. He remembered all of this and who did it. That wasn't horror that flashed in his eyes. It was realization and the ultimate kind of betrayal.


It’s funny, House talked quite a bit without actually saying anything.
He never revealed his leanings or positions to anyone. And yet whenever he posed an inquiry, he always got an answer.
House was in control here. Reassuring to see they actually did him justice.


Atypical corporate business model in a nutshell...

"The people of the planet have no need for our product... So let's create that need"


My jaw drops every time they start naming all the up vaults in the game, this moment alone was awesome.


Having been invested in the series for 15+ years, it's shocking, but not at all surprising to hear that Vault Tec was behind their own country's destruction.


"Mr. Howard huge fan. Henry, but everyone calls me Maud'Dib".


You can TELL, that the writers not only played the games but Learned all of the lore.they reference vaults that you would only know the story of by Reading through terminals and Notes. I wish the halo TV show learned from these guys instead of bragging about not knowing a thing about the IP


I like how they used the companies. House being a voice of dissent is consistent enough with his game persona and it would be interesting to see how New Vegas and him might appear in the next season.


I consider this a legendary twist. Puts the entirely of the Fallout universe in a whole new light.


love the fact house was the only ceo who didn't pitch an idea for the vaults. He didn't say anything about making weird vault like west-tek and etc. Look at him now from what we know he the only one remaining from table who still on the surface building something new


1:30 This is a great example of Walton Goggon’s acting skills. You can see the shock and pain just in his eyes. Not to belittle Frances Turner’s excellent portrayal of a two faced maniac who gave me vibes that she might actually love her family.


This plot twist was first conceived with the writing of the 1998 film script. Since Fallout 2, there has been subtle nods, hints, and references that Vault-Tec had something to do with the Great War. An "Always Has Been" that was everpresent in the games, but never explicitly stated until now. One example of this is the nuke in Megaton having the Vault-Tec logo, and the missile silos in Fallout 76 containing Vault-Tec equipment. A scrapped Vault in New Vegas (24) would have been located near real life Sugar Bunker, where nuclear testing was performed. These are just a few of all the nods that were made to the inevitable truth.


1:38 That look of pain is heartbreaking. The moment he realizes that his wife is a monster. 💔


God this plan was so stupid. No wonder house abandoned immediately and decided to do his own thing instead. He was the only one in the room with any sense whatsoever.


The fact that after decades we find that vault tec is the main villain in fallout universe


Making Barabara a bloodthirsty corporate woman was a master stroke on the writer's part
