Tip: If you want to make your paper into a perfect square fold the top right edge to the middle left then cut off the non bent part CombatTunic
Tip: If you want to make your paper into a perfect square fold the top right edge to the middle left then cut off the non bent part
What papaer dud you use because i used standart white a4 people and kt didn't work LaxBaddot
What papaer dud you use because i used standart white a4 people and kt didn't work
made one set for all my classmates WE LOVED IT JOAQUINMIKELCONCEPCION
made one set for all my classmates WE LOVED IT
Am I the only one who never knew this but the song sounds like it’s saying squid game how did I never realize😭 Acceleration-idpg
Am I the only one who never knew this but the song sounds like it’s saying squid game how did I never realize😭
I like the ddakji game.I'm doing my gesture and I want to subscribe on my YouTube channel.🟦🟥 Mr.EmirBecomingUncanny
I like the ddakji game.I'm doing my gesture and I want to subscribe on my YouTube channel.🟦🟥
Didn’t say what type bro now I just wasted paper Arkitect-ark
Didn’t say what type bro now I just wasted paper
Im gonna make it tomorrow cuz tommrow is school and i need to ready up back and Tuesday i will do to my friends and make a card Camil_playz
Im gonna make it tomorrow cuz tommrow is school and i need to ready up back and Tuesday i will do to my friends and make a card
That’s a very inefficient way to fold them. Use one paper so it won’t be too thick and easier to fold. XxMrs_BlkxX
That’s a very inefficient way to fold them. Use one paper so it won’t be too thick and easier to fold.
Este video y su estilo de edición fue robado al canal de una chica llamada yulidav, quien lo subió el 30 de diciembre. Alejandro
Este video y su estilo de edición fue robado al canal de una chica llamada yulidav, quien lo subió el 30 de diciembre.
Bro but Ddakji didn't came from squid game 💀 biffytk
Bro but Ddakji didn't came from squid game 💀
Wrong spelling mdmd-qq3ll the spelling is nice ❤🎉 hanoandwalotoys
Wrong spelling mdmd-qq3ll the spelling is nice ❤🎉
This works only if you have thick paper Tonkahd-wr
This works only if you have thick paper