Everpuzzle - using the Amethyst Engine with Rust for Games

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A little presentation on a game I'm working on, what im using to make it, how you can contribute to the project and how it works underneath for people who are interested. It's a clone of Tetris Attack and Pokémon Puzzle, so I strive to be as close as possible to their game feel.

I'm considering making a Dev Log each week on what was finished this week for the game. Leave your thoughts.

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Sorry for the "p" pops and the low audio volume,

Here are some Timestamps if you want to skip:
0:00 Introduction
0:50 Skytrias (History)
2:30 Problems
4:30 Goals with Rust
6:02 Amethyst Game Engine
9:45 Open Source (with Game Mechanics)
15:00 How to Contribute

How the clone works
- 21:20 Entity Mechanics
- 26:30 Alternative to multidimensional array
- 28:28 How the Grid works
- 32:43 Code ~


The game looks really nice, thanks for share all that man. I'm current in love with Amethyst Engine, it's a great tools as you sad, and the community it's the best.


Great content!

P.S. What is your colorscheme for vs code? Looks amazing for my eyes. :)


Interesting video. Thank you. Looking forward to more vids. Subbed


I really like this video. The only thing I have to say is that you sound kinda nervous. You don't need to be. You have great content, so don't worry about the delivery. If your content is good, the delivery becomes less important. Let the content propel itself.

TL;DR: Great video, but you seem nervous, which you really don't need to be, because you have great content.


Hi ! Very great talk ! I'll check if I could contribute to the project, I have some basics with specs and a little bit of amethyst. I love the principle of the game (and especially rust^^), if I can contribute it would be with pleasure!
