Top 10 Things To Do EVERY DAY in Pokémon GO!

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There are lots of daily tasks to take care of in Pokémon GO, so here's a guide of the most important things to do every day in #PokemonGO! #PokémonGO

00:00 Intro
00:07 Task 1
01:17 Task 2
01:38 Task 3
02:03 Task 4
02:32 Task 5
03:08 Task 6
03:43 Task 7
04:26 Task 8
05:15 Task 9
06:11 Task 10



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This is the Trainer Tips I recognize from 2016-2017 Pokémon Go. I hope you mental health is well man! I am happy to see you crushing it. You deserve all the hype and success man. You have helped probably millions of families enjoy this community building hobby. I would watch you evolve pidgey and weedles for double experience to this day!


Watching this video made me open the game and I immediately got a shiny numel! Nick blessed me with the shiny luck lol


A few commenters have already mentioned it, complete at least one training session with a team leader every day. If you have space in the item bag, you get free stardust, a stone or rare candy. It'll help with the ace trainer medal and free stuff. Yes, you do need space even to get dust otherwise no free rewards. I put my walking buddy in the third slot of those training sessions to easily earn buddy hearts.


4:49 100 is the maximum number of gifts you can receive from spinning stops, but you can also save up to 20 gifts in your inventory from the previous day, and your buddy Pokémon will also bring you up to 5 gifts at some point during the day, making a total of 125 gifts that a trainer can send on a single day.


4:30 We can open 30 gifts per day. It used to be 20 but they changed at the beginning of the pandemic. And it become the new daily limit after the friends' list went from 200 to 400 or when they announced some permanent changes, I don't recall the right moment.


I did not know you got a daily spawn the first time you open the game. I knew a Pokémon was always there, but I didn’t realize that was there for that reason. Learn something new every time I watch your videos man. Thanks for all you do!


I’m really glad you’re motivated to mass produce videos again.


Hey Nick, you overlooked checking your infinite incubator to make sure you are always hatching an egg before you go out. Also with the buddy, you should do training - easy 3 hearts for your buddy.


Hey Nick I haven't played in a few years. I used to watch you all the time. Now I think I'm getting back into it. More videos like this would be nice.


I really do not like PVP battles but the rewards have made me realize I should at least do a set of battles a day. The rewards are actually worth it and actually make it a little enjoyable to me.


The daily spawn will actually stay in that spot for the entire day also. Even if you walk away come back five hours later it’ll still be there


The daily catch was very helpful in keeping my streak alive when I visited my brother in February. There was no pokestops nearby and we got hit with a silver thaw (everything was covered in ice) and it was too dangerous to walk anywhere.


0:08 And I've never missed a daily spin or catch since it's inception.


I would add one more: Train. The first time you complete training, you get at least 300 stardust for free, plus you make progress on the Ace Trainer badge. I train 3 times daily with my buddy, thus earning the 3 hearts, and I'll hit platinum in the next couple weeks. Then I'll probably drop to once a day for the free dust, since I'm already best buddies.


Great video! very informative and an easy enough check list.
The only other thing I might add (because I'm working towards the platinum, and saving item bag space) is to give berries to your mons in the gyms.


Oh so Team Rocket balloons appear at 18:00, that would explain why they're such a pest in the middle of a spotlight hour, always floating towards the middle of my screen while I'm trying to speed catch the latest spotlight hour Pokémon.


I like to collect hearts for at least 3 buddies every day. Most players don't know that if your buddy is on the map, you can go into a training battle (buddy has to be in your party) and immediately quit, which will give you a heart for battling with your buddy.

Also if you swap your buddy and then swap back to it you'll be able to feed it another berry, and get an additional heart.


This video boosts my motivation for the game and go out for a walk. Thanks Nick 🙂


Great comprehensive guide, really useful 👍 thanks 😊


I keep saying to people of my community that would be a lot easy to remember to do all these if the game would have some "daily quests" thing, like those Summoners War and alikes. But the video is really good, glad someone is interested in making such content
