FOCUS to FUSION 2.5L Engine Swap-(Installing Stage 1 Crower Cams/Timing)-S2(Episode 26)

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In this episode... we change out the stock cams for stage 1 Crower cams. We also dive into timing the cams with the rest of the engine timing components.

Things you will need for this swap:
New Timing Gear (Rock Auto)
10mm Socket
8mm Socket
24mm Spanner
22mm Spanner
in lbs Torque Wrench
Timing tools( Massive Speed Systems) or Ebay

You will need to change the following:
1)New cams... or new intake cam... because the 2.5 cam will not work!
2)New harmonic balancer... you cannot use the Fusion's balancer!
3)2.3 timing cover
4) New Camshaft position sensor
5) New Crankshaft position sensor
6) New 38 tooth Cam gear for the Intake cam

This is not really a beginners job... but you can do it! I learned how to time up the engine and replace cams really quick. Take what I show you in the video and expand on it. You will be swapping timing parts and cams in no time. But PLEASE BE AWARE... IF YOU DO NOT GET THE TIMING RIGHT! YOU WILL DESTROY THIS ENGINE. Do not get caught sleeping on this statement.!

-Focused Hands
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Great video! And not to criticize but just inform, I was worried youd break the old cams taking out with pry bar, that also could be really hard on the thrust surfaces of the cylinder head.
The lobes that are holding valves open will always try to make cams go in at an angle or come out at an angle. No books every tell you how to take extreme caution here and I've never understood why they don't. But just following your torque specs and pattern, will not bring the cam out square nor will it pull the cam down square, if the cams are in time. Some engines have a specific angle the cams have to be at so the valve spring pressure on the lobes is disturbed eventually.

Always use the correct pattern but you have to loosen and tighten in many stages so the cam stays level as they come out. Pay close attention, notice how one end of your cams where up when you where removing, I would never let one end get higher than other, but if I did, I'd run the cam cap back down with just a quarter turn or more of pressure to level, but all the caps would still be on in that stage. In your case since the caps where already off you could have popped the end of the cam that was high with palm of your hand and it probably would have popped the whole cam up.

Going on it's best to run the caps outside of the down lobes first. That way the free lobes can float, if you run the caps flush to the head on the end of the cams that don't have pressure first, it will make the cam at an angle, so then when you start drawing the cam in at the other end, the cam will bind in the thrust surfaces and break the cam.

Hope that's not to terribly hard to understand and useful for future of someone checking in! Still great video And walk through! Thanks for sharing.


Just snapped my intake cam doing the same thing, I really appreciate the words of wisdom man!! Your videos are incredibly helpful :)


How much timing was ground into the cams I also have stage 1 cower by massive an they state 4* advance. Timed correctly as usual but can’t get to start. Curious to your grind numbers an if you needed to adjust ignition timing


This is probably a stupid question but for the VCT delete you said you need a 38 spline gear which is the exact same as the exhaust gear would you be able to use the exhaust gear and cam from the 2.0 to do the VCT delete on the 2.5?


This is going to be sick. I wonder how much Hp and Torque you will make? Are you going to add the Forced Induction?


Hey do you know if a you have to change the camshaft on a 2008+ focus for a 2.5 swap?


What cam gear did you use for the intake? I am trying to do a VVT delete with a set of crower cams in a 2.5 NC Miata.


Great tip: If you are ever running low on oil you can get a longer dip stick and u will never have to change your oil again !


Bro! I started getting anxious just watching all this 😅😅😅
Awesome work as usual. I’m starting to be inspired taking on a project like this. U think the 2.5 would be able to make 200HP N/A?


Hey mate, a question about your cams, did you buy the massive speed systems stage 1 cams?


You put your vvt delete plug in wrong. It is supposed to be flipped and under that first cam bucket.
