The Death of Squad

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Special thanks to my Commanders!
stephen roberts
stephen roberts


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MOBO: ASRock x670E
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Streaming PC:
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RAM: 32gb (4x8gb) 3200 Corsair Vengeance LPX, Gigabyte Z390 AORUS PRO MOBO with 500gb SSD and 4TB HDD storage.

Mouse: Razer DeathAdder Elite
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Monitor: ASUS VG248QE 24” 144hz



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Good to see you're still in the fight, Squaddie!

Focusing on moving forward and the future of Squad is a fantastic idea.

Let's see where it takes us.


damn it....i've been clickbaited.


The reason why I like ICO is because it feels like I'm fighting against real soldiers and not some laser accurate terminators. I can actually supress somebody with a machinegun and not get quick-peaked from around the corner. I like it because it promotes and forces you to play as a regular soldier and not a commando who can handle his gun perfectly and fire accurately regardless of circumstances. Like legit, getting sniped half the time from 150m with an AK because weapon sway doesn't exist was frustrating. The update even made my friends consider playing the game because "I can finally peak and move from cover to cover and not get slapped each time I even think of leaving my corner". To sum up, ICO made it less "arcade" and more team-based.


Bigger number doesn’t necessarily mean better game.

- Game quality has DRASTICALLY declined since ICO came out.
- Player skill feels like it’s either gone way down or at the very least a crutch was removed.
- Players typically just bunker down instead of trying to push, leading to either slogs at one point that never move, or only one team attacking. It’s even worse when armor is involved as AT no longer migrates to handle it.
- Trying to get other squads and players to cooperate is like pulling teeth.

I don’t think the game is necessarily in a better place just because the numbers are higher. We’ve just accepted that this is the game now.


On a serious note now that I watched the video, I’ve been playing nothing but squad. I think adding some different guns to factions would shake it up a lot. Simply using different era weapons would be awesome. Maybe even some older styled maps.


I haven’t played squad in a few months. 6-9 months to be honest. I recently got back on. I feel like the quality of players has really gone down hill. SL’s not knowing what to do. Armor rushing in and wasting 20 tickets. Whole team pushing, no defense. Bad FOB locations if any FOB’s at all. No communication in squad chat….. Just not the same. 1 team rolls the other 90% of the time. 1 man armor squad. Seen those alot past few days. 😅


Influx of (new) players doesn't take away that Squad isn't anything like what it was "suppose" to be, i.e. predecessor of Project Reality. The moment Squad did go mainstream it went downstream. Just because thousands of people play something doesn't mean it is good. Most have a herd-mindset, and will follow someone that jumps of a bridge or tell them to...


all i want for squad is PR's insurgency mode.


Every single moidawg video is him observing the game and not playing it, but if he is playing it hes in a vehicle... lol must be really fun to play!


I said this to a guy in-game one time, that the way I used to play Squad pre-ICO was essentially the exact way the devs wanted the ICO to affect the rest of the playerbase. Whenever I would be in a squad or squad lead, I would always take things a bit slower or hold areas, and so when things slowed down it became the pace I actually liked. I haven't played in a while though because I've been rather busy, but seeing more content added all the time means there's more to enjoy when I have that time.


ICO is what you get when your military advisors to game developers were cooks, mechanics and truck drivers. This game was fun, now it feels like my soldier in game is the equivalent of the “I would have punched a drill sergeant if he got in my face” tough guy who never served, and DEFINITELY never saw combat.
I was deployed in early 2016 with 2nd Ranger Battalion, I was an infantryman. Not that ive seen plenty of combat like some of the squad leaders and platoon sergeants in my company. But ive seen enough now to have a good idea of how humans, who aren’t in terrible shape and have actually trained on their weapon systems, react to combat. This games touted “realism” is hyper dogshit. Call of duty is more realistic at this point.


Nah this is bad take, I was in the infantry and I can assure you there is no way that any soldier has that much noodle arms. I legit cannot engage a target 10 meters away because of how much damn sway there is when you scope in. All you can do is hipfire and pray or scope in and pray that you don't get shot while you wait for your newborn arms to stabilize the gun. It has made the gunplay so much worse.


Im an old time project reality fan and ICO legit made me come back. I originally had like 250 hours pre ICO over the span of about 3 years, but now with the ICO released im now close to 1000 hours. ICO just feels so much into the right direction squad was originally envisioned to be.


The main reason players came back to Squad imo is that there is nothing else like it, or that feels like it. So when you're sick of playing arcade-ish other games, you just come back and swallow that mouthfull of sh*t you've been trying to avoid since the update. (Looking at the veteran players I know and the communities I'm in) Now instead of playing 5-6+ games a day, I only play 1 or 2.

I personnally think the ICO was a good idea that was pushed waaaay too far. What I hate about it tho is that it felt shoved down our throats, and it was not wanted. We've been asking for somethings like simple bug fixes and optimisation for the longest time, but instead we got an update that completely changed the gameplay we loved in a mosty unrealistic and unpleasant way, and even more bugs ! This is just adding more frustration to the frustration we already had.

New content is coming to the game ? Great.
Updates tweaking the ICO are coming ? Great.
Bug fixes are on the way ? Great.
I'll belive it all when I see it. The Squad game I knew and loved IS dead. I just hope the new one we have right now is going to get better, but looking back at the... 8? 9? past years, I have my doubts.


With veterans leaving and stopping to lead squads. I guess it is my time to shine. I always lead squads involuntarily and no matter if we lost or won, we always had the most points and held or attacked key points. I was the one who engaged in the command channel and forced them to communicate. I was praised by my squad members. I guess it is time to take SL much more often.


I'm torn on the ICO debate.
It is fun and seems to work well, at first I thought the suppression and sway were a bit on the overzealous side, but it seems that's been toned down a bit in the most recent playtest and felt like a good medium.

The problem for me, and I feel like it's the same for a lot of the long time veterans, is simply that it's so different.
We've put thousands of hours into a game that we have loved for years, and now it plays like an entirely different game.

It was inevitable that a lot of people were going to be unhappy with it regardless of the quality of the overhaul, simply because what we've loved and gotten used to has changed.

I still regularly play Squad, but it doesn't feel the same.
Different isn't necessarily a bad thing, but a lot of people struggle with drastic change.


Ever since ICO dropped, notice how the majority of your contents shifted to spectating instead of playing. Says a lot lmao.


Numbers are up because Galactic contention mod returned and has about 5 servers including partners = about 500 people playing and then you have Global escalation servers also which are 4-5 also with another couple hundred people and both with tweaked ICO// there're thousands of players on modded squad


The ICO brings everyone to Day 0 Basic Trainee. If "Real soldiers" can't engage a target than said soldier is useless. Modern combat rifles are made to allow you to engage with little recoil. The shear fact that you can't run an reload should tell you something. The ICO is what you get when the "combat" advisors you have hired were cooks and mechanics in service, not the real people who do the


Project Reality was EVERYTHING. Mutturah City- when you could chopper a squad onto the high mountain and then paint the laser on vehicles coming the COBRA pilot (if he was good) would dive STRAIGH DOWN from the heavens and drop a JDAM on the painted vehicle. IT WAS AMAZING.
