60 minút Šmolkov • Kompilácia 4 • Šmolkovia

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00:00 - 12:26 - Falošný šmolko
Hogatha turns herself into a Smurf, plotting revenge on the little people for destroying her magic locket. Papa Smurf outwits her and banishes her from the forest once more.

12:27 - 23:57 - Odplata
A war is raging in the Middle Ages. Knights in armor in hot pursuit inadvertently destroy the Smurfs' Village so a small band of Smurfs decide to avenge this wrongdoing. Won't Papa Smurf think this is too human-like a reaction?

23:58 - 35:28 - Kto sa smeje naposledy...
Gargamel has found a new diabolical scheme to get rid of the Smurfs: a glittering powder that is going to reduce them to helpless laughter...

35:29 - 46:53 - Prekvapenie pre Šmolkov
Jokey Smurf is dying to meet Melchior the Magnificent creator of the famous vanishing Box Trick. Can Gargamel catch the Smurfs in Melchior's Amazing Maze?

46:54 - 58:25 - Gargamelovi z lásky
Leňoško úplne zlenivel. Ostatní Šmolkovia sa rozhodnú, že ho dobehnú: keď sa zobudí, je obkolesený vráskavými staršími Šmolkami, ktorí mu povedia, že prespal niekoľko storočí...

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V tejto sérii pre deti sa vydáme za dobrodružstvami Šmolkov, malých modrých tvorov, ktorí žijú v pokojnej dedine a snažia sa prekabátiť zlého Gargamela.