The stages of F.I.R.E. (Financial Independence, Retire Early)

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There are many paths that can lead to success when pursuing Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE). Every person has the choice to pursue a path that best suits their individual needs and wants. Most people talk about Fat FIRE as the only option, but I believe many people would actually be interested in pursuing an individual approach that fits their lifestyle - which may be outside of the so called "norm". Here are the stages of F.I.R.E. (Financial Independence, Retire Early).

Regular FIRE 4:02
Lean FIRE 6:47
Fat FIRE 9:35
Barista FIRE 13:48
Coast FIRE 17:33

More about Financial Independence, Retire Early

I'm not a financial advisor and the content discussed today is merely my opinion and intended only for your entertainment. The content expressed in this video should not be considered as professional financial advice. Some of the links above are affiliate links and come at no cost to you.
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Which stage are you working towards?


At 48 years old. I thought I could work forever. Once I hit 45 I was DONE. So if you are young, remember that you will be in another stage of life and what you love doing now could become your nightmare.


Achieved lean FIRE, cut down on all frills, doing very limited paid work. Just enough to eke out living without dipping into my corpus. In third year of slow life at 55. Loving it.


Lean 🔥 is fat 🔥 in the Philippines, Thailand, Panama, Mexico, Colombia, Vietnam, Bali, Jamaica, or the Dominican Republic


Never seen them broken down like this. Now I know that what I’ve been wanting is Barista Fire. Thank you!


Personally i don't want to retire early. What motivates me is the F.I. part of fire. The knowledge of knowing you are never stuck in a toxic situation, or if you want to take a break and travel for 6 months you can. Knowing that you are independent to make your own choices without losing everything is where it is at.


delayed gratification examples:
1) drive your car until it dies. not the A/C dies. you suffer through a few windows down summers.
2) no more restaurants. cook at home for all special occasions. I find everyone likes my cooking more than any place we've been. don't know how to cook? you'll learn after awhile.


In a lot of ways... the delineations between the "FIREs" is unhealthy...

Fat fire often works against fire principles including being Frugal and actually retiring early.


You sound so genuine! I’m happy barista fire is working for you!


Achieving FIRE would be great. However, we are aiming for FI by retirement if possible.

Despite all the talk about retiring early, I've found that early retirement isn't really what I'm looking for. I'm looking for a lifestyle I enjoy, and it doesn't have to mean retirement.


this is the best explanation on FIRE so


Lean fire kinda dude. I'm stocking my freezer full of home grown vegetables, l grew. I live in the woods. It's 15 miles to the nearest grocery store.


I never heard of barista fire but that's what I have been imagining for months now. Why save up an extra million dollars when I can work a part time job that still gives health benefits and makes me enough to fill in those gaps needed to not have to worry anymore


Got sick was out of work for some time and am no longer able to do full time employment. was lucky though and landed on Barista fire with out knowing what that was. also vary fortunate that I'm in a position where monthly revenue continues to grow so with a few more frugal years i will achieve my Fire goals.


Hi, not sure why there are two already, but I’m continuing the trend.


Amazing content
Now I gotta grow this mentalty if I really wanna retire at my fourties to mid fourties


Solid group of longtime friends....
I remember nights, years ago, when I discovered Your channel, when I was starting div investing... And now... Taking small fruits of trees planted...
From the deep of my hart I thank You


Great content. Lean FIRE, enjoy the ride of life. 😎


I think I am heading towards Barista FIRE. I plan on retiring in 2 years, at 55. I have earned a pension and collecting dividends will be my side hustle.


I was thinking about something like the 5-4-3 percent fire. Where you save and work until 5%rule, go down in time and/or contributions until 4% rule, let it simmer for a year or two, reach 3% rule and then safely FIRE fully (meaning working oddjobs, hobbies, volunteer etc. noone should aim for total avoidance of productivity, this is also only a tiny contribution to expenses, maybe only used as gifts to family/kids, perhaps as gifts to the kids to start their investments?)
with a growth of 7% average this only takes 4-6 years.
more gradual slowing down, less stress about finding good deals on purchases like house, more flexible in avoiding a very bad market year to start fire, and the 3% rule is much safer.
i bet this also makes it easier to keep network from work going, perhaps keeping a door open to easily work oddjobs for high pay? keep colleeges as friends? whatnot.
