Here's The Fastest Way to Scrap a Copper Motor!

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In this video I show the fastest way I know how to scrap a copper motor.
Can you earn $100 an hour scrapping? I believe with the right methods and the right scrap, It's more than possible.

At the time of recording this video with the average scrap prices, I recovered $18.56 in copper and another $4 from all the other materials and I did this all in around 10 minutes.

Here is a video showing 4 different ways to scrap copper transformers.

Hi, my name is James and I'm a hobby scrapper who loves taking things apart to separate the various metal to make some extra money!
In my video I hope to show you how to scrap things, I also hope to show you the fun in scrapping different items that we all can find easily.
Come join me on my scrapping adventures where I share how I scrap items for easy money.
Please have a look at my scrapping videos and I hope you'll consider subscribing to my channel.
Thank you for stopping by and God bless y'all.

Become a member for less than a dollar a month. Your financial support will go to shop supplies, tools and anything else I need to scrap metals and make these videos.
I thank you very much for all of your support!

#makingmoney #hobby #copper #brass #motor #scrapping #fun #money #junk #scrapmetal #recycle #steel #aluminum #wire #scrapper #howto
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I greatly apologize for not including the values of the metals, I was fairly new to making videos and I failed at this video 😂
I’m sorry!
The copper came out to $18.56 and the rest of the materials came out around $4 and I scrapped that motor in about 10 minutes.
Thank you for watching!


I like when you thank God for what you do i m in metal fabrication for 43 years and i thank God too for everything i accomplish i wouldn t do it without him


quick tip for you from a fellow scrapper with electric motors if you find something brushless / aka digital motors /aka induction drive motors often found in dyson cleaners power wheelchairs/ mobility scooters as well these motors are double wound twice as much copper as a normal motor


I don't know what is more impressive: the scrap value or the absolute unit of a machete.


I used to find tons of those motors on roofs all the time back when I was cleaning grease exhaust systems. I always took them home with me to scrap but I was never able to get the copper windings out like you did.
I found 1 one time that was on a hospital roof that weighed probably 50 lbs. Needless to say that was good payday. Lol
And before anyone says i was stealing them, I wasn't. They were all bad and left behind by lazy contractors that didn't want to carry a heavy motor down a ladder after they replaced them. So they left them there.
Thanks for the helpful content.
Just subscribed bc of your prayer.
All glory to our loving God! Amen


Just subscribed. I’m an electrician/ life safety technician and I have scrapped copper wire and motors for 20 years. Mostly wire because it’s just really easy. I don’t strip the #12 THHN but I take the jacket off romex and 14-2 FLRP wire. The 500 MCM I always strip because it’s easy and worth the extra money at the scrap yard. Cool video man. Have a good weekend.


I feel the same way about scrapping. The most frustrating yet rewarding and relaxing hobby.


I have never seen that trick with the machete before. It truly surprised me. I didn't realize that the metal was that soft. Thank you for teaching this old dog a new trick.


Much appreciated for adjusting the volume when you used the grinder. That's a rare thing but never goes unnoticed. 👏 I don't have a machete but I do have the blade from a push mower I scrapped out.


Amen. I love that you give thanks to God. It's very refreshing to see on YouTube. Thank you


I've got about 25 motors, from 1/4 hp to 10 hp, but I don't have a machete. I'm going to look for a substitute, post haste!
That was the fastest motor process I've seen. Thank you for the video. I'm not dreading processing the motors any more!


Dang. I wish I could have showed this to my Grandpa. He was scrapping motors into 93. He never cut them in half and he would cut off the “curled” part and made drifts to pound out the inside part. Your way is so much faster and easy. Thank you for sharing.


In all my years I’ve scrapped never seen it done with a machete that’s awesome must try it .. god bless and thank you for the videos


Instead of cutting the windings in half, then pulling them out, I find it easier to cut the loops on one end with a set of bolt cutters, then pry them out the other end. Works better on some than others, the ones with a ton of shalliac seem to be a little more finicky.


I love the method you break down the motor. I'm going to buy a machete, large vice and large screwdriver. I've started my Hobby of scrapping cause it really is fun for me. Taking apart anything that has copper is very therapeutic for myself. Thank you for all your amazing videos my friend and thank you for praying my friend. Keep pushing your videos cause here you have a Christian friend. God bless my friend.


By far this is the most efficient way to extract the copper windings from a stator. There is no wire dust to sweep up. In fact. Debris is a minimal.


I was struggling to get a motor opened earlier then I remembered this method and it worked it was slicker than snot on marble lol thank you I hope you had an awesome day today 😊


I like your attitude towards scraping it's a fun way to make some spare money from home, and the good Lord opens up all these avenues for us to do so.


That was a genius way to cut the motor in half! So simple and yet, I would have never thought of that! When I saw that machete, I thought: "NO WAY!" It worked great.


Thanks for leaving the prayer in the video. Sincerely.
Machete! I can't believe I never thought of that. I use a machete for everything. Im a small scale farmer and my wife can attest to the fact that I usually have a machete in my hand and a couple dogs in tow. When we hike trails in the state park I carry my machete🤣. I use one in the garden to coppice or to harvest vegetables. I use it to slice those vegetables when Im feeding them to the pigs or other livestock. I find a hundred other uses all the time.
Its basically my 5 in 1. So before my little love letter to machetes gets even weirder I'll just say thanks for the great idea!
