Christians and Gay Identity: Sean vs Preston Sprinkle.

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Should Christians with same-sex attraction identify as gay? Is it missional to do so, or is it sinful and unwise? This is a part of our 2-hour+ conversation that releases early next week. Enjoy!

TikTok: @sean_mcdowell
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It's a sad commentary on our culture when people list their sexuality as the first identifier of who they are.


Identifying proudly as your sin? How is this even up for discussion?


I agree with Sean … a gay identity competes with one’s Christian identity. And with Preston when he says
If a person says he/she has a same sex attraction doesn’t make that his/her identity. I think it is helpful to have one’s story unfold before determining what a person means when they say I’m gay. Why does one need to say they’re gay if they have same sex attraction? Why not just say… I’m a Christian? We all have struggles with sin and our old nature but as a Christian our identity is ‘ in Christ’ The Spirit empowers us in our struggles, whatever they may be!


Dr. McDowell, I appreciate your willingness to have open dialogue on issues surrounding trans and gay people. Judging from the comments following this and yesterday's video on preferred pronouns, there are many, many folks who don't think it's appropriate to even talk about such topics. I'm guessing you take a lot of grief for countenancing such conversations. Thank you for braving the criticism to encourage the talk.


It seems like Preston's answers change depending on who he's talking to because (unless I'm mistaken) I could've sworn I've seen interviews with him not only affirming a Gay Christian identity but even a Transgender Christian identity. I'm perplexed! 🧐🤔


Incredible how he two steps the argument. He equivocates being a father, American, divorced, …. As being on the same level as “gay”


Saying I’m American and Christian, I’m divorced and Christian, is not defining ourselves by SIN. Saying I am gay and Christian, is.


Very interesting.

I'm not sure there's a one-shoe-fits-all approach or solution to this issue. Context does matter.

I'll simply say that I don't qualify my faith in Christ with any other adjectives.

I'm not a white Christian. I'm not a male Christian. I'm not a Boomer Christian. I'm not a heterosexual Christian. I'm not a divorced Christian. I'm not a Republican Christian. I'm not an American Christian.

I happen to be all of these, but they are inconsequential to who I am in Christ.

I am a Christian.

For the person who considers him- or herself gay, it seems to me that they, too, should be of the same mind.

We are all followers of Jesus.

The question for each of us, then, is this: How should we live as Christ-followers?

Each of us has our own cross to bear, so it will be different for each of us. Yet, we are all bound by our Faith to live morally, ethically, lovingly - and biblically.


Union with Christ means that I have no right to speak of myself as apart from or as independent of Christ. My union with Him has the final say over my identity or identification. That is what the great exchange is all about: He took what is mine and gave me what is His. In Christ, I lost the right to self-identify by that for which Christ was crucified, died, and raised to deliver me out of. Salvation, if nothing else, is a new point of identification for the believer: out of Adam and into Christ (2 Cor. 5:16-18). You may now refer to me as “the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus” (21).


Our identity must be in Christ. There is no salvation without repentance. This was a core teaching of Jesus time on earth. If your sex attraction or gender identity forms the core of your identity then that is not a follower of Jesus. The first requirement of following Jesus is to deny the self. Denial of the sexual self is paramount. My sexuality is not my own, it is denied and under submission to Christ.


How can you call yourself a Christian while rebelling against the teachings of Jesus, simultaneously?


Hmm, the title made me think: "Im a Christian drunk"; I'm a Christian thief, I'm a Christian magician, I'm a mafia boss for Jesus...yes, I get it. Can't seem to make those work no matter which way you slice it.


Thank you for addressing this all-important topic, Dr. McDowell. Prayers for you and your ministry!


Oh, blah, blah. Just go Bible!! Issues loved to be "complexed" to excuse sin. Say the word. Sin. Go to the Word. We fight homosexual attraction the same way we fight any other sin. Why are we willing to wallow in semantics & words? Nothing here was going to the Word--what does God say? Through the ENTIRE Bible, what is said about this? Just tell the TRUTH and let the Holy Spirit do the work in the heart.


Love the faithful and kind discussion. For me, Preston’s example at the end nailed it. Sounded like the apostle Paul using the context of the situation to pick the right words for the moment.


No they should identify with Christ alone. There is no reason for you to bait with such such silly questions, it is bowing to the world.


Oh I recently heard of this guy. He worked on that new Upside Down Kingdom Bible. If he supports what this video says he supports, I'm disappointed Zondervan would publish something like that.


Unfortunately, I keep seeing people claiming that I should "repent" or allow the holy spirit to "do his work". The thing is, it's not as simple as that. I am currently struggling with my homosexuality and my Christian identity because I can NEVER see myself being in a successful relationship with a woman. Yet, I desire a romantic partner just like any good heterosexual Christian. This is a genuine question from someone who is struggling here. What should I do to live a fulfilling life while following Christ as well? Because I know that remaining single and only maintaining relationships with friends isn't something I can do forever. I keep trying to fight the battle, but being homosexual isn't the same as killing someone or stealing. These feelings come from a genuine and natural place that is scientifically proven and yet it goes against scripture. I don't want to go against Christ. But I don't want to lack that beautiful and romantic experience that I miss out on because I'm unable to make that connection with women. What do I do?


I have a history too. We all have a story. I can only speak for myself. I am struggling to overcome my sins. God's grace is my hope. Jesus is my prayer, His life His blood, His resurrection. By God's kindness to me, I am alive today. My sins, which are many, are forgiven. This is my hope and my prayer. By God's grace, His mercy, His kindness, His love, and His Son I am hopeful. This is my hope. May God have mercy on us all, you, me, every last one of us: as for me I will call on His mercy, by His grace. All Praise and Glory to God, by Jesus' very sacrifice, life and resurrection. I don't have a prayer without Jesus, against the enemy or my sin.


Beckett Cook would be the perfect person to have own about this topic. 😊
