I feel like this channel is secretly funded by a curious assassin.
Not a big deal, but windshields aren't tempered. They're made of two pieces of normal, untempered glass that is cut then bent into windshield shape, then a layer of plastic (polyvinyl butyryl) is inserted between the glass layers and the entire sandwich is put into a giant autoclave (a pressure cooker, basically) where it melts and fuses the lites together. You can tell it's not tempered because windshields will chip or crack but don't explode in the way that a side or rear window does. You want the windshield to break and cave in but not explode in the event that either a sizeable object or a person hits it from either side. Source: Worked in a factory making auto windows, including windshields - broke enough of them to know tempered vs not
Gav, I will forever love when you edit in the speed of an object (i.e. 4:33) so we can visually understand how much something's momentum is changing as it moves through the frame. It's stuff like this that makes your editing so bloody enjoyable.
I'd love to see this done with heavily colored glass, so we'd know if the fragments of glass are pushing through each piece. It would also be beautiful
I'm surprised the bullet fell behind some of those shards in velocity as well
I always appreciate hearing Dan going through the steps of safety with the gun, there's no joking about it and it's not removed from the edit.
Honestly just seeing how much each glass pane decelerates the bullet really helps visualise why ceramic armor plates are so effective.
Was so confused as to what Gav was doing at 14:15 then realised that in the next shot his beard and hair is shorter meaning the mirror shot was done later and just inserted at the end. Had a chuckle when I realised what he was doing
These guys are one of the core channels of YouTube and what it used to be. I'm glad to see them adapt and continue this good content. Love it!
Dan says about destroying a GoPro "Was I the last person to do it? I shot one with a cannon" in the same way I'd say "Do we need milk? I bought some yesterday." What a gloriously odd life these two lead.
You can tell these two are best friends and equally as interested in the projects they do when you hear them simultaneously say "wow" at seeing the bullet bounce off the pane of glass at 12:19. The best part is knowing there are thousands of other people who joined them in that moment for that exclamation of wonder.
This was definitely one of the best slow-mo uploads
Love how the glass mist as it travels around the bullet looks in slow motion. I wonder if you had different colored panes of glass how the colors would mix, would you be able to identify different layers from it's color creating a rainbow effect or would it all mix together?
“Let’s be honest, when have we ever given something useful?” Dudes, I’m certain Hollywood absolutely loves you for these videos cause you’re able to slow everything down considerably and give other researchers information they’ve never had before.
The absolute legends out here continuing to deliver the most fascinating, wholesome content around. Never change, lads.
I appreciate your continuing to keep Dan’s gun safety call-outs in the edit for each shot. 👍
A slomo of chainsaw cutting would be interesting - to really see how the tooth cuts. John Adler does a great job explaining the theory.
Looks like you did a great demonstration of the space armor effect. The spacing allows some of energy to dissipate. It would be nice to see a control where the glass plates aren’t spaced.
As much as I like seeing Dan play the goof who always ends up in a pratfall or something silly like that i really like these moments where he shows off how knowledgeable he actually is. Telling us about bullets, or his knowledge of explosives. It's just cool.
Props to the sound engineering at 11:31 which may be the most satisfying bullet sound I've ever heard.
I LOVE seeing proper handling of guns!! Just the «safe» thing really made me happy for some reason.. respect for weapons is important!! They’re deadly if you can’t use them properly..