What was the process of crucifixion like - Nabeel Qureshi

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Nabeel Qureshi - What was the process of crucifixion like.

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Nabieel, since you were a doctor, your explanation so is real. I miss you. You live with Jesus. Praise God.


He is now in Heaven enjoying the presence of JESUS who he loves protecting so much !! I believe nabeel should be considered a saint of our time because of his intense love and dedication to teach what JESUS s preaching !!


And on of the sad thing about it is everytime the Lord would breathe or talk, He had to not just push from the nail stuck in His feet, but His back would also rub against the wood to make the wounds open again and again. 😢


Oh Lord Jesus how you loved us and the early brothers and sisters. We have it easy nowadays and we're letting the world turn bad. Father God, when it comes to it, I pray you give us the faith to die in your behalf. Let us endure and be steadfast in Christ Jesus!


Hebrews 5:7 his prayers were heard and saved from being killed.


David wrote this about 1000 years before, and hundreds of years before Romans started crucifying people.

14 I am poured out like water,

And all My bones are out of joint;
My heart is like wax;
It has melted within Me.
15 My strength is dried up like a potsherd,
And My tongue clings to My jaws;
You have brought Me to the dust of death.
16 For dogs have surrounded Me;
The congregation of the wicked has enclosed Me.
They pierced My hands and My feet;
17 I can count all My bones.
They look and stare at Me.
18 They divide My garments among them,
And for My clothing they cast lots.


Where can I find the full video of this clip?


Clearly, salvation have been sent to the household of Nabeel once and for all, but was ignored, the trumpet was sounded and will never be heard anymore in this household again.


raise the only true living LORD and GOD bless you all glory be to the HOLY TRINITY forever and ever amen 💖✝✝✝...


Imagine the strength of Jesus 😮😮😮🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


all oxcegon go off, from balloon if we represent to faith correctly

to faith correctly


And yet, it wasn't the stripes that the Romans laid upon our LORD that heals us, it was the stripes laid upon Him by The Father, all of our sin, wickedness and filth. Jesus bore it all, and to prove He had removed every single trace of sin leaving NO impediment preventing us from coming to The Father, He rose from the dead. And now His righteousness is imputed to everyone who believes in Him as their LORD and Saviour.


It is a slow and painful death, one of if not the worst way to die.


The Roman's didn't kill Jesus, our sins did it, is why we got to praise Jesus


What he forgot to mention: The crucified were always let to rot at the cross, no decent burial for enemies of the empire.


Actually the proof of Jesus death is in the Gospel. Blood and 'water'. This means Jesus was already dead when he was speared. This phenomenon happens only after person's death.


Imagine being the guy that biker him to the cross no heaven for you pal


This is the punishment for the sins against the 6thcommandment. The sins of impurity


كيف رب(قادر على كل شي) *أمر* نفسه؟
يوحنا ٤٩:١٢ لأنني لم أتحدث من بلدي ، لكن الآب ، الذي أرسلني ، *أمرني* بما أود أن أقوله وما سأتحدث به.
رب (قادر على كل شي) + *"أعطيت"*؟؟؟
إنجيل متى ٢٨: ١٨ عندما اقترب يسوع، تحدث إليهم، وقال: "كل سلطة *أعطيت* لي في السماء والأرض.

*وكيف أن الله هو بداية خلق الله؟* الوحي 3:14 14 وإلى ملاك كنيسة اللاودانيين ؛ هذه الأشياء تقول آمين ، الشاهد المؤمن والحقيقي ، بداية
*خلق الله*
ذكر في الكتاب المقدس هذا صحيح!
ماثيو 7։15 ماثيو 24:11 سوف ينشأ العديد من الأنبياء الكذبة وتضليل الكثيرين ؛
لقد تعلم الله الطاعة؟ والله قد جعل الكمال؟
العبرية ٨،٩:٥ على الرغم من أنه (يسوع) كان ابنًا، فقد تعلم الطاعة من الأشياء التي عانى منها. وبعد أن أصبح (يسوع) مثاليًا، أصبح مسؤولاً عن الخلاص الأبدي لجميع أولئك الذين يطيعونه ،
(نبوءة لقتل الناس باسم الله)
يوحنا ٢:١٦
2 (قال يسوع) نعم، تأتي الساعة، التي يقتلها كل من يقتله، أنه يقدم خدمة إلى الله.
أ.رسالة إلى تيموثاوس ٥:٢ لأن هناك إله واحد، ووسيط واحد بين الله والرجال، الرجل المسيح يسوع!
يوحنا ١٧:٢٠
قال يسوع لها، لا تلمسني؛ لأنني لم أصعد بعد إلى والدي: لكن اذهب إلى إخواني، وأقول لهم ، صعود إلى أبي وأبيك؛ وإلى إلهي، وإلهك.
يوحنا ٣٨:٦ (قال يسوع) لأني نزلت من السماء، وليس لأفعل إرادتي، لكن إرادة من أرسلني. إذا كنت تحبني، فسوف تفرح ، لأنني قلت، أذهب إلى الآب: لأن والدي أكبر مني.
الرب الوحيد هو الرب *يهوه*! (الآب)وخلقه الأول هو *يسوع المسيح*(الابن)
(كما قال الوحي ١٤:٣)
كل شيء آخر خلقه *يسوع المسيح*


Yes, ancient crucifixion was a horrible way to die. Interestingly, a very important recent book entitled :
;Crucifixion In Antiquity' by scholar Gunnar Sammelson suggests that Jesus did not die on a traditional cross at all, but most likely was impaled.
