Introduction to the Vedas part 1

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SSIP 2012 Pondicherry IPI
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Amazing...a foreigner teaching us Vedas. Superb. People spending their life learning these, when we Indians busy corrupting the entire knowledge


Wonderful lecture and insight into our legendary VedAs only known to few of us - Without full understanding & exposure into our vedas, one cannot explain the way Vladimir has - Its a privilege to be born in BhArat, India !!!


Your name sounds Rusian, but its evident by listening to the lecture you have a profound knowledge of hindu philosophy and text.
I appreciate you sir.


It, s really wonderful and awesome lecture sir thank you very very much.


This man offers a valuable perspective on the Vedas.
Vedic knowledge is not man made knowledge. The Vedas were and can be cognized by pure souls whose awareness is established on the absolute, transcendental reality that underlies all manifest creation. This pure consciousness, in a self-referral manner, creates within itself all the dynamic principles that make up the reality we experience on the surface of life. These dynamic principles are manifested as sound..the hymns of the Veda and serve as the blueprint for creation. The Vedas are the eternal murmurings of the Absolute Self describing it's nature and how it manifests. The Vedas are not a creation of the human mind, but are there to known by the enlightened and chanted by the Brahman families that inherited the responsibility to chant them. For the most profound knowledge about the nature of Vedic knowledge, I suggest you find the teachings of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (the man who brought to the world Transcendental Meditation). Maharshi has revived the teaching of the Veda in it's purity as he received it from his master Brahmananda Saraswati, the Jagad Guru Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math (up until 1953). In essence, Maharshi reveals that the value of the Veda isn't in meaning but in it's sound value....that the Vedas are a science of sound. That it is completely systematic and practical. He brings to light, clearly the absolute value of this eternal knowledge.


Awesome! Can you try explaining by india slipped into 1000 years of slavery especially after the glorious pre Vedic period- what changed so suddenly that led to the enslavement of this civilization?


My parspective is sruti mins hurd, sometimes god shiva tels a story to his divotis and somtime discuss his wife mother parvati and the rishi yogi and tapasvi found abylity to hard or automatically his mind. and smriti is memory


Respected Sir, you are requested to explain Max Muller' s view about vedas. Especially the vervevasta and Aryan invasion part in details.


Oh parahmsa. Enlarge is tongue to roar like a lion of vedas


Do you think that sanskrit is mother of all language


О, эти Веды ! Мантры Риг-веды не должны рецитироваться, если слышны напевы Сама-веды. Риг-веда посвящена богам, Яджур -веда посвящена людям, Сама-веда посвящена предкам, поэтому звук Сама-веды нечист. Обратно же, кому тогда посвящена Атхарва-веда, демонам? С другой стороны, Кришна говорит, что из Вед Он Сама-веда. Значит ли это, что Кришна инфернальный Бог, Бог мертвых и что он нечист? Хотя стоит отметить, что для всех, кто играл с Ним в расалильные игры, результатом были страдания или безумие, либо преждевременная смерть. Вот и понимай как хочешь.


Nope! Full of common colonial misrepresentations. Very simply, the Veda is an exploration into the "spiritual" roots of human behaviour. All mention of phenomena - natural or cosmic - are analogies. And Brahmin in Hindu traditions is not "caste", it is an orientation, "wisdom, the wise, the knowledge-oriented". Brahmin and Sattva (driven by the quest for truth) are the two qualities required of anyone who wished to seek the truth thru knowledge (yes, there are other methods). And knowledge, not for the sake of knowledge, but "knowledge as a service" to humanity. And while the priests found "utility" in the Veda compilations (hymns, procedures, philosophical underpinnings) for the conduct of "yajna", the rest of us had to "experience the Veda". There is nothing in the texts that is not experiential. There are multiple levels of experience, with the "ultimate experience" being the experience of the truth underlying all reality.


This is not good on your part you giving the lady hindu tradition are not like foreign where women don't know about father of this offspring...
indian lady are not like that...
