Concurrent Computing III: Monitors -- Other Topics

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This is the fourth lecture on monitors. In this lecture, we discuss the following topics:

(1) The equivalence of semaphores and monitors:
(2) Implementing a semaphore using a Hoare monitor
(3) Implementing a Hoare monitor and condition variables using multiple semaphores
(4) Some Comparisons
(5) The Hoare Type vs. the Mesa Type
(6) Semaphores vs. Monitors
(7) Semaphores vs. Condition Variables
(8) Some Remarks

Hope these can help you learn Concurrent Computing.
Рекомендации по теме

00:00:00 Introduction and Review
00:00:58 Semaphore and Monitor Equivalence
00:02:37 Semaphore Implementation Using a Monitor
00:11:47 Hoare Monitor Implementation Using Semaphores
00:23:30 Simulating a Mesa Monitor Using Semaphores and Questions
00:25:34 Comparisons
00:25:50 Hoare Type vs. Mesa Type
00:30:35 Semaphores vs. Monitors
00:34:34 Semaphores vs. Condition Variables
00:38:06 Remarks
00:38:12 signal() as the last statement before exiting a monitor
00:39:48 Using a semaphore in a monitor
00:41:25 Nested monitor calls
00:44:30 Conclusions and Looking Ahead
