Trump Lauds Border Patrol Agent For Speaking 'perfect English,' Warns Dem Wins Will Bring Crime

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President Donald Trump on Monday warned that a "blue wave" that could sweep Democrats into power in Congress would lead to "open borders."

My hubby worked in the merchant marine for decades. Bringing supplies, (escorted by Navy Seals) to our military personnel in the Middle East. He was born in Mexico 73 years ago. Naturalized when he was 12. Meanwhile, has read Hemingway, Melville, Whitman, Steinbeck. On the other hand, I was born in Queens to Italian Americans, and on a trip to Florida in the 1950's - when I was 8, fell in love with Spanish. Kept up my study. Read Quijote. So much so that to this day, I am often mistaken for a South American when I speak. We are a bilingual family (I am now 70).. I think 45 wanted to be well regarded by people of Hispanic background, so he did his 'I GET DIVERSITY' grandstand move, which he'll pull now and then, at the opportune moment. Master of public relations and the 'right setting to forward the DJT brand', he keeps it up....tsk..


Here is a challenge to those who criticize his words, watch every word you say and check if you hold up to your own standards
