Deciding What's Next... Should I Continue Vanlife?

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My van is absolutely incredible and has served Rue and I very well during our travels. It's taken us to some amazing places with the comfort of a luxury home wherever we go. It would be insanely difficult to let go of, but I'm thinking of switching to a more basic and affordable rig in order to get my finances in order and go part-time.

It takes a lot of vulnerability to share these details about my life with the entire world, but I love my YouTube community and the support/words of advice you all provide! PLEASE watch the entire video and hear me out before leaving feedback in the comments. I appreciate you all so much!

🇨🇦 Stay tuned for CANADA adventures, as we are embarking on a 2 week road trip up to the Rockies!!! I can't wait to share the experience with you guys! 🥳

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Some advice from a retired guy now. At your age you may not realize it, but this life flies by rather quickly. don’t over think it just do what your heart tells you. You selected a beautiful area in the country and if I were young and had to do all over again that’s the area I would pick. Sell the camper while the value is still up there for the down payment on your new property and look for a truck camper to do weekend and vacation camping. Established those roots now. you’re young enough where you have plenty of time to travel and camp. My parting words, don’t overthink just do. I’m sure you’ll make the right decision.


I would build a large garage, just a shell, on vacant land. Plan to park the van inside, connect to amenities, and live in it still as a home base. Plenty of room for the dog to roam, and the flexibility to take a remote contract on short notice or a short vacation. Taxes would be lower, and you could garden to your heart's content.


I’m 75 years old. My 38 year old daughter is a Dr. of School Psychology. My 46 year old son is a Dr. of Sports Mgmt and Athletic Administration. My wife’s health is not good. And I still work. Knowing what I know now, if I were you I would travel and see as much as a could in every corner of the world because you can do it and I will never be able too. You can settle down when you’re 50 but doing what you do is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I bought my first property in 1973 and have been a slave to ownership ever since.


I think if something isn’t serving you well for your current stage of life then it is ok to change directions! ❤

We live in Eastern Washington and we sold our truck/camper combo along with almost everything we owned so we could by our place. We bought somewhere that we can hike, camp, ski, and ride dirt bikes right from our front door. We’ve lived here 3 years now and I don’t regret this decision one bit. Just the lifestyle change has been so much better for us.

I know we will travel more again in the future but I love having a home base to come back to after all of our adventures. And I’m also open to a different set up this time as we don’t really need anything very complicated this time around.

Anyway enjoy your Canada trip and good luck on your next contract in Western Washington. We lived over there for 42 years! ❤


There is a tiny house community on the Oregon coast. Beautiful views and sense of community. It’s called Tiny Tranquility ❤. You could still do YouTube with a little different focus


Sarah, i agree with your plan. If that’s what your heart is telling you, it’s probably the best idea. And also better for rue. She’s your child and you have to do what’s best for her too. Sounds like a no brainer to me. Just shoot us a video once in a while. We’ve all grown to love you both. Good luck


Get a 4Runner and a teardrop. Then you have a reliable daily driver and a hardshell camper that is easy to tow for adventures. Also, the PNW is the best. Grew up in the midwest and moved here after college. Best decision ever. Good luck finding you and Rue's forever home!


I have so enjoyed your videos! As for your next steps…just follow your heart. Ask yourself what you would really love. Take care and hug Roo.


I lived in Washington state for 30 years, moving there in my late 20s. I don’t live there now, but eight of my closest friends from that time still live there. It’s harder to make friends when you’re older. Now is a good time to create a community.


We've been watching you for quite awhile, and you strike us as someone who thinks things through before making major decisions. We will still enjoy watching your travels, no matter what that looks like. Prayers for your safe travels and the ability to make the best decision for your and Rue's future. 🙏 - Jim & Michelle


I totally understand your concerns …. I agree with you selling your van for all the right reasons…..
My husband and I had a trailer for 5 years, after driving all over the country we got tired of towing, driving through big cities 😅
never was good at backing the trailer…..Since we have a ford F 150 we bought a 650 Lance camper. We spent 10, 000$ to upgrade the F150 brakes, air shocks, lifted 2inches, for stronger bigger tires….beefier suspension
my sons friend has a truck shop he did all the work on our truck…
we have never been happier….
The Lance 650 is the smallest and lightweight they make… our F150 is a 4 door, we took out the back seat to have more room, we fit our bikes in the backseat plus chairs etc….
We can park anywhere, always fits the small campground spaces if needed… good on gas
my husband is 6ft 7in and can take a shower and room to stand, the bed is comfortable…. The camper has more features than our trailer!!
It’s small not for everyone but we find it very comfortable and all the benefits a big rig has.
we love it!!!
we are always getting compliments……
Lance campers are one of the best made campers……

I wish you much success and happiness
have been enjoying your youtube videos for a long time…..
thank you for sharing
and Rue is a❤🐶


Rue deserves it and so do you. I think it’s great that you are giving it so much thought. Follow your heart and you can’t go wrong. One idea would be build a tiny home im the tiny home community in Oregon, mentioned earlier and sell the van and get a smaller trailer for travel.


Rue is so sweet! You should build a tiny house. I remember when you rented one before. You can always rent it out if you want to travel or take a contract job. Would be nice to always have a home to come back to!


Hi Sarah I Love the idea of you and Rue settling down and getting a community home some where and to get a truck camper Yes absolutely get one you will love it


Dear Sarah, yes, travelling is a wonderful thing, it opens your mind and fullfills you with so many impressions and new insights. But all this wants to be processed. So it's good to have a place, a real homebase, to come back to and reflect the experiences. And in my opinion the most important thing in life is having real friends on your side. As you said, it's easy to make some, but to hold them from a distance is hard. If your heart tells you to settle down than go for it. Try it. If it's not good for you, you can change it. Travelling is even more worth when you have a home to come back to, it's something more special when it's not everyday. And, as Jarred said, don't overthink, trust and follow your heart and your instincts. Good luck 🍀


How exciting to move forward into the next adventure! I had hoped that one day we would connect on the road even though I’m not full-time it would’ve been fun for two Drifter Van gals to connect. I trust that you will know what is the right path for you to take. I know that when we begin a new direction if we’re clear about what it is that we want to manifest, it happens effortlessly. Be joyful with lots of laughter!


Re-fi the van at a lower rate, now that you have good equity in it. Then, buy property and live in the van where Rue can have a lot more space. In time, you can plan, save, and build on the property.


At least a home is an investment, an automobile is not. I'd say get rid of the van, get a house, get settled, then when you are more financially set, get another rig. It sounds like you have found the part of the country you love, so that is wonderful. We'll all keep watching your adventures wether you are traveling the country or you have a home base!


Enjoy Canada ❤ I love the idea of having the best of both worlds. Having a home and a less expensive vehicule to travel is a wonderful idea. We love our truck camper ! We bought a Ford F150 with the built in generator. Allows us to power the camper. Love it and no regrets !


You have an excellent life plan. Go with your gut feelings. I love your van and your adventures. It truly reflects your personality, and you put so much thought into its construction. We loved exploring Canada and upstate NY this summer. Enjoy and follow your heart.
