Josh - opening doors and hearts | WestJet Above and Beyond Stories

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Opening a door is more than a physical act. It's about putting yourself out there, getting to know people, making them feel comfortable, and making them feel welcome. After being bullied, Josh decided to make a change that ultimately had a dramatic impact on his life and on the lives of his fellow students. We hope his story is as inspiring to you as it is to us.

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As a student at CRSS,
We are all very proud that Josh is from there.


I was a bullying victim myself in high school but I never thought about doing things like these. This kid is clever. By opening doors for others, he gained sympathy from everyone walking by. As he gradually does so, it would be more difficult for the bullies to try beating him when people are around because people would all know who is being beaten, and beating a well-known kid would more easily result in blame from all the others than beating a stranger


omg today (9/15/15) he came to my school. it was AMAZING! he came from Canada to the United States just to talk to us!


honest. impactful. true. let's stand up against bullying, like Josh did.


Josh, you are a hero! Such a sweet sweet guy!


I was bullied as a kid. I cried a lot. The thing that changed was my reaction to the bullying. I realized that as I entered high school.  For example, one time, I was called Canoe-shoe because of my long narrow feet.  When I got to school, some of the kids in the hallway said, "Whadda ya say, Canoe-shoe!"  I replied "Whadda ya say?! " instead of hanging my head and crying.   That was just the beginning.   It was no longer fun for them because they did not get the reaction they wanted.


I met him in my school for a presentation I cried :( but it was so heart warming


What a wonderful and beautiful young man.  A great story.   I wish him all the best in whatever his future holds.


Josh! You are a remarkable human being! Thank you for reaching out to the children, who are the adults of our future! 


Beautiful story...
Heart touching...
And josh (respect+)...


Why is politeness considered "weird" in America. Here in the UK it's a REQUIREMENT in our school to hold the doors open if we see people coming. 


To the skeptics and cynics,'s having the courage to reach out, be vulnerable, be judged and in spite of it all, stay in the resolve of an act of loving kindness to others.

The fact that it's such a small gesture only shows the power and message in human heart and how we're all just waiting to connect and let go of all the protection bullsh*t. It doesn't protect us, only isolates us.

Josh and this simple act of courage shows us that.


Thanks!!! I started holding the doors open for others today and it felt REALLY AWESOME!! I told my friend I will do it again and I tried to search for something on the internet that will support me and make me feel like I'm not 'weird' for wanting to hold the door open and wanting to look at people's reactions whenever they say 'thank you' to me. One of my classmates which I thought didn't care about the world said thank you shyly and I was very very moved that I want to do it again! You see, English is not my first language and I find it hard to talk to people in English all the time. I saw people opening the doors for others before and just this day, I thought to myself, 'Maybe I should try doing it too'. It's really amazing. Now, I can have a reason to look at people while not conversing much.


Thank you Josh for coming to our school and talking to our kids about your story. Thanks for being!


What a nice young man! Faith in humanity restored!


Josh you have opened doors for many and you continue to now. You help to now open different types of doors for young people..the door of opportunity, hope, and compassion.


This made me cry because bullying is horrible. This boy right here is a inspiration to me!


Wow!!! Kudos to this young man! I love you already Josh for your bravery, your kindness, your reaching out to people...well done xxx


See this people, it's as simple as holding the door for someone to make their day. A simple action that can mean so much for others and for yourself. The other day I saw a guy trying to get a ladder through a door and he was struggling. Not thinking twice about it I scrambled over and held the door for him, not expecting anything. Afterwards the man said to me, "thank you very much, you are a fantastic young man." It's the little things people!!! Do something to help someone else, it all comes full circle!


Thank you Josh for changing the lives of so many others through your own hardship.  Your father would be so proud of the choice you made to become a leader and inspire others to overcome tragedy.  Such a powerful message, congratulations to you!!!!
