Masha Allah ❤️ Thanks for inviting
And May Allah help our Syrian brothers and sisters all over the world 🙏
“They don’t want me to go home I think” had me laughing yep that’s a typical Syrian family😂❤️
I am in tears watching this kindness among muslims, no matter where u came from. Such a beautiful n loving family.
Pls do visit Malaysia too one day. ❤️
Pure love and care between brothers of Islam. maashaa Allaah baarakumullaah fiihi
ماذا عسايا أقول سوى أني لا يسعني إلا أن أشاهد هادا الفيديو وهاته العائلة في كل مرة لم أعد أستطيع الإبتعاد عن هادا الفيديو حقاً هوا عبارة عن سعادة وكرم الضيافة والترحيب وعبارة عن سلام الله ييسر أمركم ويفتح لكم أبواب الخير أينما حللتم♥️
فدوة لقلبكم يالسوريين 🥺❤ الله يحفظكم و يردكم سالمين لبلادكم ..
كلش حبيت هالعائله ... سبحان الله شلون روحهم طيبه ، و كلش يشبهون بيوتنا
كل الحب من العراق ❤
Masha Allah this is Islam and this is Muslim. No matter where you come from, whatever your ethnicity. For Islam we are brothers and sisters, love each other like brothers and sisters, united throughout the world for Islam
Maşallah ne güzel bir aile, ne sevimli çocuklar. İnşallah iyi eğitimleri, iyi gelecekleri olur ve kendi ülkelerini yükseltirler. Allah bütün dara düşenlerin, mültecilerin yardımcısı olsun 💕🇹🇷
6:31 "Keşke seni Suriye'ye davet etseydim"
bu kısımda çok duygulandım..Rabbim inşaAllah vatanınızı yeniden inşa etmeyi nasib etsin.Suriye olmasa da Türkiye sizin de vatanınız.Siz bizim kardeşimizsiniz
Apart from other facts, can we just appreciate the habit of daud bro saying Masha'Allah and Alkhamdulillah all the time, which being a born Muslim most of us don't.
Most respect and love...
May Allah bless u and all human, Ameen.
♥️🇸🇾🇰🇷I'm from Syria and I love Korea so much I hope to go there someday
I was smiling every second while watching the entire I am really happy that you found and ALLAH gave you hidayat and he choose you😊
Such humble Syrian family.Allah Bless them all in this life and in hereafter and you too Daud. Alhamdulillah
Greetings to you from Kuwait. Thanks so much to this Syrian family who showed their real hospitality and portrayed genuine love to their guests. Syrian people are hospitable and have so much love and respect for their guests despite of their suffering…may Allah bring peace and tranquillity to their country and may Allah give rizk and prosperity to this family.🌹🌹🌹
ما شاء الله, الله يسعد هالعائله الجميله حسنة الخلق والله يغنيهم من فضله ويثبتهم ويرزقهم وينعم عليهم بالسكينه ولا يغير عليهم ويهدي احفادهم ويجعلهم من الصالحين المطيعين الباريين
Elhamdülillah çok tatlılar Türk olarak Suriyeli kardeşlerimizi çok seviyorum. Rabbim ülkelerini kurtarmayı büyük zaferlere ulaşmayı nasib etsin her daim İslam kardeşliğimiz sürsün inşaAllah 😇🇹🇷
Masya Allah . . . Ketulusan hati kluarga Muslim Suriah kepada Daud Kim seperti keluarga dan anak sendiri penyambutannya Sangat luar Biasa . . . Semoga sgala urusan dan Hajat kita di Mudahkan dan di kabulkan oleh Allah SWT . . . Aamiin ya rabbal'aalamiin . . . Salam dari Jakarta Indonesia
Syrian kids are just so friendly.they are amazing
Babies don't need any language to communicate. They have their own language, it's cuteness. And it's so easy to adore them.
ربي يحفظ اهلنا في سوريا وهذة العائلة الكريمة واشكرهم علي حسن ضيافتهم واشكرك اخي كيم علي هذا الأسلوب الجميل وعلي ماتقدمة لنا