Tips on how to survive a long work commute

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Traveling on a bus for three hours a day can be pretty hard to do but I've learned a few tricks that make things a little more bearable.

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Opening music: Epidemic Sound
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The benefits of being on the bus though, is you can make the time useful. My commute is 1 hour each way, 2 hours per day (without traffic) but I drive so limited to what tasks I can do


I thought she was gonna say something crazy like high pay high skill job. Nope. Scanning documents...


I also drive far for work an hour and 45 minutes each way glad to see I'm not the only ridiculous distance to work person in the world no my job does not pay grades and it has some untasteful elements to it it's part of the job when you work at a detention facility.. oh and one more thing it could pay way better why do I do it because where I live is tough to find work things are tough all around and most people in this part of the world only get jobs that helped them get pulled in by someone they knew already working there which is also how I got this job by getting pulled in by someone I know who works there there was thoughts of moving closer to work but that's just not in the cards right now family needs those close by at the moment hopefully someday wishful thinking


Too bad I cant be productive in the bus because I get sleepy, can’t read and worst can’t use phone for long because if I do by time I get to work, or home the phone is dead.


I’m considering driving 4 hours per day for 3 days a week. Pay is good for the job and they pay for my college tuition. It’s hard to find a house closer to work that’s is cheaper.


I wake up at 5am and am home at 4.10pm. 5 minute drive to the train that goes at 5.18am . 1 hour on train. 17 min walk to work from the train. 10 min at work to drink coffee at work. Clock in at 6.50am. Clock out at 14.50pm. Jog/walk to train which goes 15.05pm. 1 hour on train. 5 minute drive from train station to home. Total commute time is like 2 hours 40min including driving (10min). Train (2hours) walking/jogging (30 minutes) How bad is that?


What a dream to have a long commute if you don't have to pay attention for the driving part. Unless you have kids


I can relate but it is better to find a job with less than an hour commute.


At the time of the recording of this video, I alsotook 2 buses from home to work. And did lots of the suggestions you mentioned. Interesting that car owners talk bad about the buses and even though they do have their cons, but taking the busis a whole lot better than owning a vehicle.


I used to have about a 3 hr round trip on the light rail, commuter rail and by car so i know how it goes. Getting on at an alternate bus stop is SUCH a lifesaver especially if everyone gets on at a known stop. Sometimes it is unavoidable but it can help greatly.


Takes longer to get home because the service dies down, in the morning its a rush, the evening rush hour is a little different.


Damn, my trip to uni is much longer by comparison. 2-2.5 hrs 1-way


I do between 4 to 5. I’m starting to reconsider


Mine's about 3½-4 hrs. And 8 hrs of work. So I spend about 11½-12 hrs working. I am only free for 4 hrs a day😭 if I consider an 8 hr sleep.


I was in the same situation a year ago! As soon as I moved back to London for my partner, I had a job offer in a different city so I had to commute 5 hours (walk+tube+train+bus) a day for 3 months...and I really had to have a holiday after this...
Now, I have a new contract with them but my partner refuses to move closer to my work even though he can work from home... nor live separate! I don't know what to do and I just CANNOT do this anymore!😣


Mine is 2 to 2.5 hours in and a minimum of 3 hours home. All via bus.


4 hours for me I've gone trough 2 pairs of tires I get paid 20$ a day


I used to commute 2 1/2 hours to work by bicycle.. round trip... my auto insurance went up due to a accident that wasn't my fault... great video


I wonder if you where to drive yourself to work would that cut down on your commute not having to be restricted to a bus schedule


Me: "God 3 hr 15 mins sounds so good"
