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Wasn't sure about this piece just seeing pics on the Forgeworld site, now I'm completely sold, I must have this fig to make Father Nurgle proud. Praise be to Nurgles Pustulent Glory!!!!


What a stunning mini bruv. You know all about my finecrap horrors! Stood in a GW store as the poor guy opened 5 boxes of Eldar Rangers and they were all shit! Felt bad for the guy.


I think the Mini looks great bud! Love to see him painted up soon!


Great vid. I find even forgeworld resin is brittle and melt easy. Finecast though is horrid. I get more bad molds than good whenever I by a finecast model. they need to get together with Smooth-on and take a lesson with them.


through the experience I have had with the finecast models I have bought, I would say the quality really varies. so really it how lucky you are with you cast.


why are space marines using backpacks? I've always wondered about that?


I've always hated working with metal models. I absolutely love the finecast material, but the quality control is seriously lacking.

However I hate metal so much that I'm more then willing to overlook the flaws to get finecast. In fact I'm not buying a few models until they come out in finecast.


I haven't owned many finecast or FW minis but I will admit the quality control on finecast does need a bit of work - that said I can't say it bothers me too much personally - the finecast models I've had have been alright, plus I find it SO much easier to work with than metal, and I find dabbing a bit of liquid gs here and there far less tedious than prepping metal models - I've been prepping some inq models recently, and the mold lines just won't go away! That's just my experience though ^^.


I agree, my forgeworld marines are great, but my finecast miniatures have been terrible. I have had a Farseer replaced recently and the replacement also had trouble. GW are sending me another replacement soon. It seems to me is that models that have been created since finecast came out are good quality: we got my friend some of the new Necron characters for his birthday and they are great crisp and clean. However Eldar and Spacewolf models that have been converted from metal have ALL been bad.


Wasn't sure if I was only one that liked finecast considering how everyone is always flaming about it, I really didn't like metal models so I embraced finecast with open arms and haven't had trouble with it but then again, i'd rather fix then the finecast stuff if it wasn't ok then go back to metal minis but it sounds like quality control maybe needs some improving


i wonder what gw's response to the extreme dislike of finecasts? i have had prblems with it. i thin id rather have metals in all honesty. because its just garbage. i mean your paying 20 bucks for a model and its damaged before you even lay your eyes on it. finecast gets 4/10 on my approve rating.


Nice video mate! Mr OrcpainterNerd can you put up another video of you making a computerdrawing of a Spacewolf or something else awesome cause you are so freakishly awesome att that?! cheers from sweden


Ive bought lots of finecast and they are always terrible. They were just lumps of crap when they were first released and the "fixed" versions now are also awful. ENDLESS bubbles everywhere is the best you can hope for. Normally they dont have feet or a head and details non existent. Worst bit is its chealer material than plastic and we are charged more for less...


Stunning model fella, I want one.

As for Finecast, I have had good and bad experiences, but customer service has always shone through and made sure I got what I paid for.


I personally believe GW know that fine cast has been a total failure but there to bone idol/stubborn to admit it's flaws due to how short of a time it has been out, so they will keep trying and keep failing to put out decent mini's in this fine cast until they feel it's been out long enough or when they feel they need another price hike and then they shall change the material they choose to cast their models in


I suspect that the quality of Finecast (in terms of miscasts) is probably similar to metal minis BUT miscast metal minis can go back in the pot to be recast but once resin is cast the options are bin it (presumably with associated recycling costs) or sell it and hope the customer repairs it (after buying the required repair materials from GW)


My experience with finecast has been a disapointment, Saying that they are easier to work with compared to the metal. I personally try to stick to the plastic kits as much as possible, they should just do it all in plastic imo.


I think that finecast is a good idea but the tech behind it is not yet there. But Forgeworld bit are great


Well said buddy. The model is stunning!


your point is valid, finecrap is awful, i hate it
