'If Not For Grace' - Brady Rochester Family - 4K w/ Lyrics

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What a powerful song. God is so good to us. Such a loving Father. Thank you for this song.


I love listening to this family I have 3 of their Cds and I listen almost everyday. Them and the Morrison sisters. Thank you brother Spencer for making them known to me and others. God bless.


"But just call on Christ name he'll save your today then look back to Satan and say.. the way she says that Is literally mind blowing the way she said that Wow absolutely Brilliance. 🤯


Wonderful songs!!! Jesus is so wonderful!!! ❤


Jesus is the only way into Heaven. Ask Him into your life. Cleanse you from all unrighteousness. Make him your Lord & your Savior. One day, YOU will enter the Kingdom of Heaven.


I love this meaningful song. Grace of God is such a great blessing.


When I could not go to mercy, mercy came running to me and with mercy so did grace. Thank you Lord Jesus, because I do believe that I would be somewhere so... So bad. Somewhere I do not want to ever be. Thank you Lord Jesus for saving me. Thank you God for grace.


Thanks for this beautiful music while im crocheting. God bless this family for sharing their talents.


Thanks you Lord and bless my brothers In the whole world Amen peace to all in Jesús Christ name Amen.


What a lovely song, with such peace and joy.


What a blessing. The thumbs down is just proof of spiritual warfare.


Truly beautiful, Brother Spencer! Praise to the LORD Father God above in Heaven for His patience and mercy. His grace & kindness! I am so unworthy and undeserving yet He chose to save my soul from the fires of Hell! I can't help but tell this world. He has been so patient with me in times that I should of been struck dead. But the LORD God wishes none to perish but that through His Son the LORD Jesus Christ men must be saved! I can't have anything to do with that evil, wicked CCM anymore! It's not because Brother Spencer said so, but because in the LORD's mercy and grace He showed me the spirit that is at work in it. I can't have anything to do with that evil, wicked foolishness! I was saved May 25, 2017. I had walked in wickedness and blasphemy but the LORD God was patient with me when I was so deserving of His wrath and judgment! He is holy, the LORD God Almighty! This CCM is evil and wicked. The Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth. This CCM uses such generic terms! It's these generic terms that is so deceptive! Don't tell me I'm worshipping. I don't want to worship the false god of this world. It makes me sick and it's demonic! I don't want to worship unless I know of whom I'm worshipping. I don't want to worship anyone but the LORD God, our Father in Heaven. He will never leave us nor forsake us! Pray for all those being deceived as we enter these last days. Be of good courage and do not be afraid. We are headed Home to Heaven. If the LORD God can open my eyes and save my soul, He can save anyone! Let's pray for all those being deceived that the LORD will open their eyes through the Holy Spirit and convict them of sin and grant them repentance that leads to life! This is not a game, Brothers and Sisters. We're talking about people's souls. The LORD'S business is serious! Always remember two things, folks! The Gospel of the LORD Jesus Christ is foolishness to them that are perishing but to those that are saved and born again, it is life giving. It is true Life Giving Water, I don't want to drink any other. I thank the LORD God that His ministers are hard at work. If you want to find these ministers, the Holy Spirit of God Almighty will lead you to them, Brothers and Sisters! I love you, Brother Spencer and all Brothers and Sosters that may read my comment. One piece of advice I'd give to anyone born again or not, if you want to find Truth look no further than the Word of God. (2 Timothy 3:16-17) It leads to Everlasting Life! I want nothing to do with this CCM anymore. It seriously just creeps me out. It grieves the Holy Spirit within me & I repent of it. I want to throw away all my CCM CDs and only listen to good, Godly music like this! This is what John 4:24 is talking about, brothers and sisters. God will never lead you in any direction contrary to His will, that is the LORD God. I feel the need to clarify that these days. I want to be lead into truth by the Holy Spirit of the LORD God. My soul will be satisfied in nothing else. I know this is a long comment. But I could speak forever of God's love, mercy, grace, patience and forgiveness. Think of a seesaw. If you have one person on a side, but no one else, it doesn't go anywhere. You can't just preach that without also preaching of the LORD God's wrath, vengeance and judgment. This is what we call the full counsel of God. I've learned so much from you, Brother Spencer. I thank the LORD God Almighty for you. If we don't ever happen to meet on this side of Heaven, I know we'll see each other in Heaven. I love you, Brother Spencer and all the sheep of the LORD God Almighty. We are safe and protected in Him. Perfect love casts out fear! It all makes sense now. God is not the author of confusion but of peace!


Them the same kids? They grew alot. Great music 👍


I love it. Please post more approved music 😆😁


What a beautiful song! So simple and yet so true!! This music is so needed in these last days!

(Also, it was nice seeing Brother Chris and Sister Tiffany. I'll be praying for them...they have been missed on the live streams!)


Sublime. God bless these folks here.
Love from Britain 🇬🇧❤


Love this beautiful unedited just beautiful. Is their music available in South Africa?


Yup I am in need of a cd. If anyone can share how to get one I would appreciate it. Until then the YouTube channel is enough for me to count it as an answered prayer to properly worship God almighty


The vocal mix was really good on this one! Sound quality has gone up a lot in this one too! EQ on the vocals is very sweet and clear. I'm guessing you pulled 32 tracks straight off the console?

The only comment I really have is sounded like a couple vocals were distorting.
