Advanced English Listening Practice | Numbers (IELTS + Call Center)

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Understanding numbers in a foreign language is hard! This video has a numbers quiz for advanced English learners.

This video will be particularly helpful for people who are preparing for the IELTS exam, as there are often numbers in the listening section, or perhaps if you work in a call center. But even if you're not preparing for an exam, you will probably still find this advanced listening practice useful.

Full sentences:
Set 1
1. Frank ate at least three fifths of the cake before everyone arrived.
2. There were 1962 people competing in the marathon
3. Their profit this year was $56,317.
4. The stock market index increased by 78.36 points today.
5. The distance between the two towns is 192.4 km as the crow flies.
6. The driving distance is 221.8 km.
7. The company made a loss of £1,575,494.
8. The car cost €39,999.
9. $4781.37 is the exact amount that he currently has in his account.
10. The tiny apartment is exactly 107.64 square feet.

Set 2
1. George has calculated that his hopping speed has improved by 23.8%.
2. 154,380 people visited the monument last year.
3. The video has already received 68,818 views.
4. Her total income last year was $41,216.
5. Ethel ate three eighths of the pie and tried to blame it on Frank.
6. In the end, George did five ninths of the work.
7. That mansion is worth $13.19 million.
8. The city has a population of 4,692,515.
9. The company has increased the price by 268.52%.
10. 72.25% of statistics are incorrect.

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Рекомендации по теме

Your vids are really helpful. I'm going to take an exam on 16 August, and spelling & number parts of the listening were a nightmare for me. Now with your help, my ears are getting more used to them. I wish you much more success in your life!


In the first set, I thought "Let's just listen" but the voices literally didn't wait for my thought process.😂 I was thinking just let them be and I would write them down comfortably but my thought was totally wrong. After hitting me hard, in the second set, I was concentrating on hearing all of them and almost I got them.(Not 100% perfect) I'm not preparing for IELTS but different English tests. This was a good and fresh challenge to me, Thanks.💕


Very difficult, but really fun.
Thank you for your effort.


Excellent video Max!!! Extremely useful!! Thank you!!


I love Max’s accent, it’s a neutral and standard Australian accent. Rare YouTube English teachers use that kind of accent for teaching. I think it’s great, you know not all the non-native speakers are in America or England, there are so many students like me in Australia and really need to learn Aussie English.


i've got 11 out of 20 from the first time, but im so proud of myself because my level is B2
Thank you🥰


Set 1 I got 9 accurate 7th I feel a bit befuddled 1575495.set 2 I got 8 I face difficultly in 5 and 6 questions I heard incorrect I wrote 38 and 5 nights but the correct answer was 3/8 and 5/9. I'll practice more for my exam. Thank you, madam❤❤❤


It is what I needed !
Thank you so much !


That's quite fast for me. But, It was quite challenging and It was a good try.


Well done! It was really useful. Thanks for your helpful videos.


Thanks a lot teacher Max for this lesson. It's very useful. I've really needed it.


This video such a top notch!!extremly usefull for me🥰but may i ask you, is this american accent or british?


I did well, but sometimes I'm not sure if I should say the conjunction and.
When the number is money, we don't say the point that precedes the cents, do we.? For instace,

The hydroplant cost US$ 2, 321, , 467, 593.78 reads

The hydroplant cost two billion, three hundred and twenty one million, four hundred and sixty seven thousand, five hundred and ninety dollars seventy eight.

If the temperature is 3 degrees Celsius bellow zero, should I say negative 3 or minus 3 degrees Celsius?

Thank you very much for your video. You rule!

This has nothing to do with this video, but do the words year and ear have the same pronunciation?


This is freaking hard, but I like it.


Thank you, very useful as it made me realise that I'm very bad at it when the figures are high. I understand but I have no memory. Need to train...


Not easy, but it is about getting the numbers listening technic thanks a lot


Teacher Max, I'm Fong here, it's really confusing, for example:
1) He has a good education.
A) He has good education.
2) He found a job with a good pay.
B) He found a job with good pay.
What's the difference?
Why do the uncountable nouns take an article *a*?


I get 28/40 in the first test. I'll keep practicing before I get 36.


Hi Max how's it going
I hope you be fine thank you so much for your videos they help me a lot and you're awesome
Have a great week my beautiful teacher 😉🇧🇷


I love this drill, could you produce more, please!
