Harnessing the Power of the Clip Envelope in Ableton Live

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I love envelopes. There, I said it. Envelopes are responsible for some of my coolest, least-expected breakthroughs musically and are an elegant way to add some variety to any loop.

In this little video (which is taken from a video course that I am working on) I talk about how to use unlinked envelopes to totally reshape a bassline taken from Loopmasterapos;s Electro Kit. First, I start by looping a region of the bassline, so that a small portion of it repeats. Then, I use an unlinked volume envelope to create some syncopation in desired places. Finally, I retrigger the clip with follow actions so that the clip starts from the beginning every two bars. These are some of my favorite tricks in Ableton, I hope you like apos;em!

P.S. Like I mentioned, this is part of a video course that I am working on thatapos;s meant to isolate different aspects of Ableton and thoroughly explain them through examples. If this sounds like something youapos;re interested in, make sure to sign up for The Ableton Cookbook email list!
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