Why Super Mario Galaxy is Special | Video Essay

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Super Mario Galaxy is my favorite Mario game of all time. To me, it's the best in the franchise, and this lengthy video is dedicated to analyzing all of the things that make it special. This one's been a long time coming, but I'm so happy to finally have it done. It's biggest and best video yet. I hope you all enjoy, and let me know what you thought in the comments!

Big thanks to @SimonLoveridge for letting me use his piano cover of Gusty Garden Galaxy! (Cover at 18:54)

Stardust Background Video:
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Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed this video, it's my biggest one yet. True to my word, I tried to surpass all my previous work with this one. Let me know what you think!


I just realized how sad Rosalina’s story is from the perspective of the father. He loses his wife, the mother to his children, and then not long after his daughter vanishes without a trace.


"Super Mario Galaxy is the greatest Mario game ever" real and true🙏


48:46 "They seem to welcome their own demise with open arms"

It even lines up with how the luma in the mario movie acted


this deserves a bigger audience, and damn, the library story always makes me cry


I don’t cry. I just can’t. I say this not to brag but in complete regret. I miss that ability, it’s a natural part of human nature and it’s something I wish I could do more often.

So the fact that this video could break that year long tearless streak three separate times is incredible, and the best part is that it’s not difficult for me to see why it happened. Our stories are similar. You hit a nerve I didn’t even know I had, right at the time I needed it. Thank you for that.


I forgot about Rosalina's storybook until I recently played galaxy again. There's just some parts that just hit you like a truck. "She's sleeping under the tree on the hill!" I forgot how emotional her story was. How beautiful it was.


I've seen several documentary-esque videos for Super Mario Galaxy, but this is the first one that *really* got me to think about how valuable our lives are and what we can potentially do with them. So with that said, I'd like to use the time I have to thank you for sharing your work as well as your soul with us. I hope you are doing well and that you have a great 2023!


the amount of sadness and loneliness in a MARIO game?? its insane. I love it.


I cry at the baby stars crying at the end all the time. And it isn't even a specifically sad ending


I always cry a bit whenever I listen to “Family”, it makes me feel feelings I didn’t know existed - 59:49


Thanks so much for this video. I was crying when you started talking about Rosalina and her story and was crying up until the end of the video when I gave it a standing ovation. Some backstory for me is that I had an awesome childhood, but then when I moved to a new town as a teenager, life became rough for me and I became the total opposite of how I used to be. Thankfully in recent years I’ve turned my life around for the better, but I have lots of permanent damage in my life. Rosalina represents me and the lumas represent my family that stuck by me during all the hard times I had in life. Thanks so much for your wonderful video and sharing your story with us to.


This level of quality is something you’d expect from a much more popular video on a much more popular channel. Absolutely insane, well done


4:42 i love how when the camera zooms out here, it doesnt stay centered on the planet. It really helps sell how, when it comes to space, this planet is so unimportant.


as someone who just moved halfway across the country half a year ago, miles and miles away from my dad, miles and miles away from my sister, have gone no contact with my mother because tldr Mommy Issues, this video hit me like a god damn truck. One of the few interests I ever had that my mother didn't make me feel small and ridiculous for having, was Mario; I remember happily sitting on the couch for hours watching her play the game, even reading through Rosalina's story together, her holding me as my young child self cried in her arms. She is no longer in my life. She is alive, but she hurt me so deeply growing up that now as a young adult I just can't have her in my life anymore. The mom that made me feel happy and safe and loved is sleeping beneath the tree on the hill. I feel so far away from everyone and everything that has ever made me feel safe and loved, and it hurts every single day. But it will get better; I needed this video right now more than ever. Am I crying my eyes out? You bet I am. Thank you for this. I needed it.


This game has always strung a powerful chord with me. This game was my childhood and while things weren't easy coming up, after our problems, after another hard day at school, after another bout of feeling like a disappointment, I always knew when I got home and turned on my console, someone would be waiting for me on the other side of the screen for another adventure. Someone who wasn't disappointed in me. This series is so close to my heart and this video made me once again cry over this game 😂. This was a REALLY good piece and I listened to it while working on a painting. You perfectly encapsulated everything I love about this game. Amazing work and I hope going forward everything works out in your life. Good luck on all your creative endeavors. I wish you the best


Absolutely fantastic video. Having recently made my own video on Galaxy that doesn’t focus on the game itself so much, I was really pleased to see someone still talking about the game. You’ve done a great job breaking down the music and atmosphere of Galaxy, and I think you really hit the nail on the head about what makes this game so special. Great job!


One thing i'd like to think is part of this game's story telling. Rosalina, i think she is influencing some of these levels. The toy level and the garden one. i think Boswer in turn influences levels negatively.

it's sad but kinda nice to think these levels are her wanting to make things happy and full of life. Parts of her childhood and parts of her hopes in some of these levels.


Super Mario Galaxy has a deeply personal bittersweet sub-narrative. It's like losing someone deeply close to you peacefully. They tell you they love you, and will always be with you.

It's a swansong from the original creator. It's like he's telling us goodbye.


this is probably my favorite video on YouTube I'm being so serious this is an absolute masterpiece well done
