Nerdfighteria's Shakespearean Insults

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They think these asinine "insults" are actually clever. Then they go and regurgitate what they hear from their clan leaders the vlog....turd brothers These minions have no imagination of their own. They simply seek their pied piper and exist in ignorant bliss as they belong to a sheep like herd. THEY are "world suck." Be offended!

I don't think they are evil either. You have a point there. Yes, music videos can definelty be more raunchy. However, humping statues isn't necessary for children to see on youtube. We can rate sexual content from 1 to 10 all we like but not even level 1 is needed for people to participate in the general "made of awesome" mindset. It's not rated X content but they know they appeal to children so it should be easy NOT to do things like that.


@LifenProse. Of course nerdfighters don't see any perspective outside of their nerdfighterian veil. They are close minded by thinking that they are some kind of authority in what being open minded is. Having a specific moral code or ideology is not open minded. Actually being open minded is to see the subjectivity of it all. It is to be free of the mind. "Fitting in" will only mire the mind. Reality is a paradigm on a stage & we are all equal entities playing a role that amounts to nothing.


@beaviz810izback you keep reiterating that you're enlightened. if you're what enlightenment looks like, i don't want any part of it. this is the end of our communication. good day sir. :)


@Lycidias93. Yeah, that's my impression of you.


Wow... Just wow... For more than half of the video you didn't even use real words! Nerdfighters are awesome! Frankly, you've already FTBA!


If you think this video is remotely clever, I feel really sorry for you.


"We" don't complain er uh INSULT my appearance? Nerdfighters don't do that? Are you sure? No, you SURE about that? The very fact that you had to use THAT as a "random" example makes you look bad already. But, it's okay...nerdfighters can't do ANY wrong! Wow, you are smart!


John and Hank taught you to value intelligence huh? Goody! Durr! The only thing they have really taught you is to be VAIN over valuing intelligence. As in intelligence would be the do all and say all in the grand scheme of things. But "truthfully, " intelligence is a mere tool that we use to navigate a rather finite existence. Is anything finite the do all and say all?


@chelseariffic Perhaps you don't understand the concept of non sequitur behavior. The most self important people get offended and show their true colors after being confused. The irony here is that when nerdfighters use non sequiturs they think they're clever but when I use them on them they get confused and lash out with insults. It really shows their TRUE nature. Hypocrites. Non sequiturs: Words, behavior, "illogical" noises, Logical, illogical, it's all subjective if you THINK about it.


@TheRachaelFish. If you want to see what I've been trying to say about charity then go to the Vbrothers failed video called "TRYING ONE MORE TIME!" Go through all of my comments from bottom to top. Sometimes I don't feel like explaining the same damn thing over and over. At least not today.


@muffincheesepie. Oh you don't have to worry. I don't WANT to breed. I don't want my child being treated like I've been treated by people with no tact like yourself. Oh I'm sorry, I forgot. Only I am capable of being the bad person. My mistake.


@Iro Mage. Nope, not high. First and foremost I pick apart the vlogbrothers who are capitalizing off of kids looking for a group to belong to. Insulting the kids who won't wise up to that is secondary. They see my comments and video about their pied piper and make the comments towards me. I have nothing to gain. Haven;t you ever thought about doing something for no gain? Trust me it doesn't give me any jollies. Pedophilia? What a low down projection. I don't gain from kids, the vlogbrothers do.


Nerdfighteria's idea of awesome is not awesome, not to me. It has nothing to do with 'forgetting' at all. Be your own person and stop regurgitating what your pied piper says. A lot of nerdfighters think my routine is old. Well, the DFTBA, awesome, amazing and epic words are getting really old.


@Shelby Mayfield. It's not meant to be funny for people who find it offensive. Obviously. Durr!! If it offended you then it did it's job. Seeing as how I just said that watch the idiots show up and try to say they're not offended now. Yet watch them try to tell me the video was this or that or that I'm this or that anyhow. My friend just thinks it's hilarious. Why? Because people lose control of themselves like the idiots they are when they hear it.


This is incredibly offensive. You are not funny. You are rude.


you stand for what is wrong with the world


Internet clans. Nerdfighteria is a scam. It's creators make money off of it capitalizing from society's newfound craving for the beehive mindset. This beehive 'we' and 'us' mindest. People don't know how to think for themselves and stand alone as an individual anymore. Lost sheep. The vlogbro....thers will happily take you in as one of their minions while you buy their merchandise constantly calling them 'awesome and amazing.' They hump statues in front of children.


Why am so mean? Because Taylor Swift said so. Mean is subjective or whatever. It all depends on the labeler. If you think I'm mean then remember could always be meaner. Most people who actually know me understand that I am just merely blunt. Answering you is wasted energy, you're going to think what you like. So have at it.


@chelseariffic. Clever? Why the hell would I think it's clever? You know, there are times where an opinion against an entity or idealology can happen without an abundance of self importance. I am one of those times. If I felt I was being "clever" I wouldn't do what society sees as unaceptable behavior in the first place. I do and say what I want when I want. If people don't like it it's their problem. Do you think you are clever with your obvious assumption of me?


@hpkiwijellybean. Who are you to ask me what to do? It's funny, on my past channel I spoke my mind about things, kind of like what nerdfighters do, only I made videos and comments that were a lot of time opposite from nerdfighterian ideology. So I got harrased by nerdfighters when I didn't even know what a nerdfighter was yet. They insulted my appearance on and on. If nerdfighters can challenge me then I can challenge their ideals.
