How Billionaire Developers Think: Decoding the Mind of Billionaire Developers

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Dissecting Developers With High Productivity of 10x, 100x, 1,000x

According to the Power Law theory (which states that certain actions produce exponentially more results than others)...

Ultra high performing developers will outperform & outearn average developers by 10,000x.

Average developers fight for scraps at the bottom, compete for the lowest paying jobs and live in fear of being fired at a moment’s notice.

While ultra high performing developers command respect, leave a legacy, and change the world.

Let that sink in.

What’s the difference between an ultra-high performing vs. an average developer?🤔

yes, this series will be mind-blowing. I want it.


A profile breakdown of the great developers would be highly useful. Also please consider the following facts also when doing the profile breakdowns.
How they select the technology, how they work with the challenges that come to them while they are coding a product.


One of things that distracted me was, I had time I would set aside just to learn from tutorials, but I was thinking about some fun side project (one of my motivations behind learning to program, as to create). so, as a way to see how much time I was spending on making side projects, I set aside an hour a day, at the end of the day to make my "for fun projects" and what I learned was, I felt like I was just getting started in that one hour (made me appreciate how much time I was wasting, not being productive).
The take away was, do not just code, but code and learn in a way that is time efficient.


Can’t wait to watch “Billionaire Developers” series


Always spot on advice! You probably don't remember talking to me but back in October of last year I started watching your videos and you convinced me to use Python. I'd been waiting for years to build an app I'd been thinking about. I couldn't find anyone to help me with it so I decided to switch career paths, learn how to code, and build it myself. I started out pretty good but didn't have much time to work on it until this year. I finally started working on it hard late January and just today I finished it! I never knew I'd love coding this much, I love Python, and I couldn't have done it so easily without your channel. My app is better than I could have ever dreamed and time to finally make some money. Thanks man!


I highly racommend reading books like
• Think and grow rich
• The power of your subconscious mind
• how to stop worrying and start living
• Seven habits of higly effective people
Hey qazi, i'm a 14 year old kid, Can i make website and make money???
My name is Aadhil.☺☺


Yes, please make some other videos like this. We actually need it. ☺️☺️


Hey Qazi, I am a 16 year old highschool student who is really interested in coding especially the process of turning software into passive income. I know I would really benefit from your study on billionaire developers as I have been trying to study their bios and stories on my own, but thus far have been at a loss as to where to start.

Thanks so much for all the work you do, at 14 years old I ditched the online python University of Waterloo course I was doing and searched for "Python Basics" on YT. Your tutorial popped up and my life changed for the better!


I'm super interested on this. And just starting out. I think you should go all out on this series


Your content quality is top notch mate. looking forward to being a part of the bootcamp!


a series would be fantastic man can't wait


Hey Qazi, I have statyed doing your Javascript 8 hour course and the Hackerrank problem solving section. In your webinar recently you said that after 100 hours of JS I can teach others. I wanted to ask how many hours should I complete before learning React.js? (I have done 3 hours)


they focus what people wants thats all, thats why are success :-D


Super happy I stumbled onto your channel.


Another THING u should be aware of - *Steve Jobs* was the icon of the computer world but he didn't create any line of code. He was much more a visionary and designer. So it also may be a way to develop your skills cos a good idea & design etc. is truly priceless especially nowadays.


I started studying CS this semester, I'm taking CS programming 1, which is all the introductory programming concepts about loops functions and all of that. The langueges taught are JS and python. And some html basics. We learned csv & txt filing reading/writing, Objects and dictionaries, and a lot of concepts. Anyways, I'm thinking about taking your course about web development over the summer. Do you think it's a great idea? And also is web development a great place to specialize in? How's the opportunites for that? It's going to be a long 4 month summer and I don't want to stop from coding for 4 months b/c I'll forget everything I'm learning rn. I want to take some online course in the summer as a boost and to stay mentally energized so that when I come back in the fall, I'm all warmed up. So how is the course? And is it interactive learning? Because I don't want to just read b/c I could do that on my own. I learn best by practicing a lot, and I want guided practice with an online course. And are the projects thoroughly guided? And by the time I finish the course, what percent of web developmemt will I know? Will I be hirable and know literally eveything and every concept about web development? Also what are the other tutoring websites you have and what cs division do they teach?


A complete video series would be awesome 🔥


Guys have you noticed, Qazi always talks about real world project. But he end up doing ToDo app, Tic Tac Toe apps. 🤣😂


I’m absolutely interested in seeing a billionaires/successful programmers series. I’ve been looking for something like that and the way you described it would be perfect!


Oh yeah sure bro ! Definitely ready for that series ! All the best qazi ! Set the youtube on fire ❤️❤️❤️❤️
