Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1994) Tom Shadyac

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With Jim Carrey, Mark Margolis. Written By Jack Bernstein, Tom Shadyac, Jim Carrey. Directed By Tom Shadyac. Produced By James G. Robinson, Peter Bogart, Bob Israel.
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Hello my dear friend,
One of the great scenes of unforgettable movie.
The property owner wants to check Ace Ventura's room.
Pet detective Ace is warning them to be quiet while shaking the key left and right.
Cute animals that were previously cautious by dedective Ace were hidden.
The door was opened but the room was EMPTY!
But there is felt a pungent odor in the air.
And then, all animals for dear owners appears.
All at once says Welcome! In a carnival mood.
All praises,
for director, screenwriter, producer, writer Thomas Peter Shadyac,
and the great actor Jim Carrey
with for productors James G. Robinson, Peter Bogart, Bob Israel.
Thank you very much for this wonderful scene and its very clean display view.
Sincerely my friend.


Hector Salamanca's other front lol


Sorry, but I can't deal with Jim Carrey. Didn't enjoy him on "In Living Color", so I've studiously avoided having to spend two hours with him in a cinema. Much like Adam Sandler, he just rubs me like sandpaper.
Mark Margolis, however, made his big screen debut in Radley Metzger's 1976 classic, "The Opening of Misty Beethoven", which is widely considered to be the best adult film ever made (among those of us who consider such things). So, Carrey 👎; Margolis 👍🏼; and "Misty Beethoven" 👏.
